[ZODB-Dev] transacting multiple databases

Christian Reis kiko@async.com.br
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 10:33:11 -0200

On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 12:43:49PM -0500, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> >>>>> "SH" == Shane Hathaway <shane@zope.com> writes:
>   SH> It's not really a ZODB feature, since it relies on a feature of
>   SH> ExtensionClass that ZODB does not use: __of__().  I put Mount.py
>   SH> in the ZODB package because I also thought at first that it was
>   SH> a ZODB feature. :-)
> We should probably think about how / whether we will support
> cross-database references in ZODB4.  I forgot to add it to the
> roadmap. 

Well, we've requested this from Zope.com a while back (and our funding
agency is still analyzing this request - they usually take over 3 months
to answer, when they're fast :-) so I would definitely say YES. 

I wonder how people make by without it on sites that aren't permanently
connected, to be honest. Doesn't anybody ever need to move parts of
their data from one ZODB to another?

In SQL, it could a matter of connecting to the remote database and
issueing INSERT/UPDATEs to move data around; the fact that we have
explicit (even assignable) OIDs makes everything easier. The `high
transparency' property of the ZODB makes things a bit harder to grok for
this use case :-)

Take care,
Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil.
http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331 | NMFL