[ZODB-Dev] Fwd: [Zope3-dev] directory hierarchy proposal (Martijn Faassen)

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com (Jeremy Hylton)
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 09:13:31 -0500

>>>>> "SA" == Steve Alexander <steve@cat-box.net> writes:

  SA> Can they be methods on objects, rather than functions in a
  SA> module?

Just what I asked Tim :-).  There are as many as six functions --
difference, union, intersection, weightedUnion, weightedIntersection,
and multiunion.  The functions operate on sets; they accept any of XY
family of objects.  So it's not obvious what they would be methods
of.  Each object -- Set, TreeSet, Bucket, BTree -- could get a copy of
the code, but that seems a little silly.
