[ZODB-Dev] Yet More POSKeyErrors

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com (Jeremy Hylton)
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 11:53:09 -0500

>>>>> "CW" == Chris Withers <chrisw@nipltd.com> writes:

  CW> With ZEO 1.0 final and Zope CVS from the 2.6 branch, taken on
  CW> 19/09/02, I'm suddenly getting loads of these again:

  CW> Traceback (innermost last):
  CW>    Module Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog, line 500, in
  CW>    catalog_object Module Products.ZCatalog.Catalog, line 313, in
  CW>    catalogObject Module ZODB.Connection, line 509, in setstate
  CW>    Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 294, in load Module ZEO.zrpc,
  CW>    line 168, in __call__
  CW> POSKeyError: 0000000000073990

  CW> I know that isn't the latest ZEO, but it looks like this error
  CW> is coming from the storage on the server anyway, so...

Is there a traceback on the server?

Did you run fsrefs.py (from ZODB3/Tools)?  This will tell us whether
the object actually exists.

  CW> We've experienced this before:
  CW> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=115628&aid=597158&group_id=15628

  CW> I had the impression this was down to BTrees bugs that had been
  CW> fixed for 2.6.0, but now that I'm using 2.6.0 and still getting
  CW> these, I'm rather concerned.  I'm hoping that the old workaround
  CW> of restarting the storage and client servers will still work...

I just wanted to note that these bugs have nothing to do with BTrees
(as I suspected all along).  As I mentioned earlier in the week, the
BTree-based index was accidentally disabled for Zope 2.6.
