[ZODB-Dev] POSKeyError

Toby Dickenson tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 15:16:21 +0000

On Thursday 19 December 2002 10:30 am, Igor Stroh wrote:
> Hi there,
> I didn't find anything helpfull in the archives, so I just ask:


is as helpful as it gets. noone really knows what causes this problem, so=
there is no easy answer.

> I get this Exception when I try to reindex a TextIndex of a ZCatalog.
> - Zope version is 2.5.1
> - The Data.fs derives from a 2.4.2 Zope installation (I just copied the
> Data.fs to the new 2.5.1 instance)
> - Traceback from Zope's Web GUI [1]
> I tried to follow the hint at
> http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/1020679104 and got just the same
> exception [2] (I got the record ID from Zope's STUPID_LOG).

I think the author of that hint is confused. It looks like the code was=20
designed to reproduce the same exception, exactly as you found.

> Any hints how I could remove the corrupted record?

"rm -f Data.fs" will remove the corrupt record, and more :-)

Anything more selective will require some debugging (assuming you have tr=
all the suggestions in the list archive)

Toby Dickenson