[ZODB-Dev] Re: ZODB Import Help

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 19:29:57 -0500

>>>>> "KA" == Kevin Altis <altis@semi-retired.com> writes:

    KA> But how would the script and imports have to change to access
    KA> the ZODB database and support classes for a Zope installation?
    KA> Is that one of the issues that hasn't been resolved yet?

    | import ZODB
    | from Persistence import Persistent
    | from ZODB.PersistentList import PersistentList
    | from ZODB import DB, FileStorage
    | import BTrees
    | from BTrees import OOBTree

Is it just a matter of twiddling your PYTHONPATH to get a different
version of these modules?
