[ZODB-Dev] FW: standalone windows 1.0rc1 exe

Greg Ward gward@mems-exchange.org
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 17:55:25 -0500

On 30 January 2002, Shane Hathaway said:
> The one issue I see with PersistentList is that it puts the list in its 
> own database record.  Lists are often small, so having a whole database 
> record for every list can be a burden.  There isn't an easy way around 
> that in the current ZODB.

A well-founded concern: one of our colleagues recently examined our
database, and found that ~50,000 of our ~350,000 objects were
PersistentLists, and the vast majority of them had 0, 1, or 2 elements.
Too high a price to pay to avoid having to remember "self._p_changed =
1" in many places?  Hmmm.
