[ZODB-Dev] ZODB and new style classes?

Magnus Lycka magnus@thinkware.se
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:11:54 +0200

At 13:09 2002-06-26 +0200, Magnus Lycka wrote:
>I've realized that it would be good for me to sub class
>What version of ZODB do I need to do that? I'm using
>StandaloneZODB 1.0 today, but I got the impression that
>this version doesn't handle Python 2.2 new style classes.
>(TypeError: metatype conflict among bases)

I've tried some variants from CVS.

ZODB3: Same problem as above (and as described in this mailing
list on February 13 by Kendall Clark). Metatype conflict or
"TypeError: function takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)" on
attribute assignment.

Zope3 and ZODB4 (they seem to be the same):
Unit tests spew out a few:
PicklingError: Can't pickle <function f at 0x013EB880>: it's not found as=20
TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a class or type

Is Zope3/ZODB4 in a usable state? Is this just some
broken tests that I can safely ignore? :-)

Or is new style classes and ZODB something for the not
quite so near future? :-(

Magnus Lyck=E5, Thinkware AB
=C4lvans v=E4g 99, SE-907 50 UME=C5
tel: 070-582 80 65, fax: 070-612 80 65
http://www.thinkware.se/  mailto:magnus@thinkware.se