[ZODB-Dev] help

Paul Roe paul@artifact-imaging.co.nz
03 May 2002 08:51:03 +1200

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You need to have a C compiler installed, there are a few options (MS,
cygwin, mingw32 etc).

I'm working on a few different windows platforms and have had good
success with mingw on python 2.0 through 2.2 (these notes may be a
slightly out of date, but should point you in the right direction).
Shouldn't be too hard to adapt them to cygwin either.
Mingw install notes see
    in brief - go to www.mingw.org, get libbfd, binutils,ld,gcc,w32api=20
 mingw-runtime...    expand them wherever...

Need Mingw import libraries for python several options here.
  there is a ready-to-use Python20 import library for mingw32 at
Instructions for how to build the library is at
you can generate an import library from its dll using mingw tools
    and pexports from http://www.acc.umu.se/~anorland/gnu-win32/.
Use pexports to generate the def file
         pexports python2x.dll > python2x.def
    and then create a library with the mingw dlltool
        dlltool --dllname python2x.dll --input-def python2x.def \ =20
		--output-lib libpython2x.a
    Copy these files to the python libs directory.
Now run the installs telling it to use the ming32 stuff.
python setup.py build --compiler=3Dmingw32
python setup.py install
good luck

On Thu, 2002-04-25 at 20:49, Cao Mengqin wrote:
> Dear Sir/Mdm:
>   i installed to ZODB as the readme file.but the system always prompted "=
command 'cl.exe' failed: No such file or directory".
>   i don't know why...would u mind give me some tips?
>   thanks a lot!
> best regard
> cmq

Paul Roe

Artifact Imaging Systems        Voice: +64 3 3266213
Christchurch, New Zealand       Mobile: +64 21 676301

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