[ZODB-Dev] List of references to all objects from ZODB?

Greg Ward gward@mems-exchange.org
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 09:27:23 -0500

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On 30 October 2002, Magnus Lycka said:
> Is there a way to get a list of all objects that ZODB
> thinks exists?

Yes.  The idea is to loop over all OIDs, ignoring those that no longer
have an object attached to them (presumably pack()'ed away some time in
the past).  The attached zodb_iterate.py does precisely this; you'll
have to replace the main program with something that will work for you,
but it should be fairly clear.

I'll also attach zodb_iterator.py, which is a more modern/OO
implementation of the same idea.

Greg Ward - software developer                gward@mems-exchange.org
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org

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Iterate over all OIDs in a ZODB database, calling a user-supplied
function for each object found.

As an extra added bonus, when run as a script it prints the repr() of
each object.

# created 2001/08/07, GPW (based on zodb_census.py)

__revision__ = "$Id: zodb_iterate.py,v 1.2 2001/08/14 18:50:21 gward Exp $"

import sys
from types import StringType
from struct import pack, unpack

def write_status (oid, objects_seen, newline=0):
    sys.stdout.write("\rOID: %016x (objects seen: %d)" %
                     (oid, objects_seen))
    if newline:

def pack_oid (oid_i):
    """pack_oid(oid_i : long|int) -> string

    Pack an integer or long int into an 8-byte OID string, eg.
    0x0001020304050607L -> "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7".
    return pack(">LL",
                (oid_i & 0xffffffff00000000L) >> 32,
                (oid_i & 0x00000000ffffffffL))

def unpack_oid (oid_s):
    """unpack_oid(oid_s : string) -> long

    Unpack an 8-byte OID string to a long int, eg.
    "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7" -> 0x0001020304050607L
    (hi, lo) = unpack(">LL", oid_s)     # two 32-bit integers
    return (hi << 32) | lo              # a single 64-bit integer

def format_oid (oid):
    """format_oid(oid : long|int|string) -> string

    Format an OID (either a packed 8-byte string or an integer) to
    human readable form, eg.
      "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7" -> "0001020304050607" or
      0x0001020304050607L -> "0001020304050607"
    if type(oid) is StringType:
        oid = unpack_oid(oid)
    return "%016x" % oid

def parse_oid (oid):
    """parse_oid(oid : string) -> string

    Turn a human-readable OID string into a packed 8-byte string, eg.
      "0001020304050607" -> "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7"
    return pack_oid(long(oid, 16))

def _print(oid_i, oid_s, object):
    print "%016x: %r" % (oid_i, object)

def iterate (database, connection,
    Iterate over all OIDs in a ZODB database, calling a callback
    function for every object found.  (With load_objects false, this
    changes; see below.)  database and connection must be ZODB Database
    and Connection instances.  callback should be a function that
    takes three arguments:
       callback(oid_i : long, oid_s : string, object : instance)
    oid_i is a long integer representation of the 64-bit OID.
    oid_s is an 8-byte packed string, the OID representation used
    by ZODB internally.  object is the database object associated
    with the OID.  callback's return value is ignored.

    If status_every is non-zero and stdout is a tty, iterate() prints a
    status line to stdout every status_every OIDs (default 0x800, or

    If load_objects is false, objects are not loaded from the database
    and the callback signature must be
      callback(oid_i : long, oid_s : string) -> boolean
    callback must return true if there is an object associated with
    this OID, false otherwise; if this is wrong, iterate() will terminate
    early or never terminate at all.
    if not sys.stdout.isatty():         # no status reports when not a TTY
        status_every = 0

    oid_i = 0L
    expected_count = database.objectCount()
    objects_seen = 0L                   # number of actual objects seen
    empty_slots = 0L                    # number of OIDs with no object

        while 1:
            if status_every and (oid_i % status_every) == 0:
                write_status(oid_i, objects_seen)

            oid_s = pack_oid(oid_i)

            if load_objects:
                    object = connection[oid_s]
                except KeyError:
                    empty_slots += 1
                    objects_seen += 1
                    callback(oid_i, oid_s, object)
                object_seen = callback(oid_i, oid_s)
                if object_seen:
                    objects_seen += 1
                    empty_slots += 1

            oid_i += 1
            if objects_seen >= expected_count:

        if status_every:
            write_status(oid_i, objects_seen, newline=1)

    return (oid_i, objects_seen, empty_slots)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from mems.lib import base
    iterate(base.get_database(), base.get_connection(), status_every=None)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="zodb_iterator.py"



Provides ZODBIterator and MXDBIterator.

# created 2001/12/03, DMB (based on zodb_iterate.py)

__revision__ = "$Id: zodb_iterator.py,v 1.5 2002/02/11 23:42:44 nascheme Exp $"

import sys
from struct import pack

def pack_oid (oid_i):
    """pack_oid(oid_i : long|int) -> string
    Pack an integer or long int into an 8-byte OID string, eg.
    0x0001020304050607L -> "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7".
    return pack(">LL",
                (oid_i & 0xffffffff00000000L) >> 32,
                (oid_i & 0x00000000ffffffffL))

class ZODBIterator:
    def __init__ (self, database, connection, verbose=0, fast=0):
        self.index = -1L
        self.oid_i = 0L
        self.database = database
        self.connection = connection
        self.current = None
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.fast = 0

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        while i > self.index:
        return self.current

    def next (self, index=0):
        while self.index < self.database.objectCount()-1:
            oid_s = pack_oid(self.oid_i)
            self.oid_i += 1
                self.current = self.connection[oid_s]
                self.index += 1
                if (self.verbose and
                    (self.index+1) % 1000 == 0):
                    sys.stdout.write("\r%10d of %d" %
                                     (self.index + 1,
                if not self.fast:
                return self.current
        sys.stdout.write("\r%10d of %d" %
                         (self.index + 1,
        raise IndexError, index

class MXDBIterator(ZODBIterator):

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        from mems.lib import base
                              base.get_connection(), **kw)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from mems.lib import base
    from mems.lib.physical_unit import PhysicalUnit
    physical_units = [p for p in MXDBIterator() if isinstance(p, PhysicalUnit)]
    print physical_units
    print len(physical_units)
