[ZODB-Dev] DBTab mounts

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:51:49 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Rocky Burt wrote:

> Ok... I think the problem here is that I'm doing a lousy job of explaining
> the problem ;)
> 1) I have / mounted as a regular FileStorage
> 2) I create new Plone site at /Plone (which is now also in the FileStorage)
> 3) I now want to mount a AdaptableStorage sql volume at /Plone/Data,
>    BUT, I want the mount point (the /Plone/Data object itself) to show up 
>    as a Plone Folder instead of a Zope Folder.
> I'm guessing that what I'm asking for is not possible without
> tweaking the sourcecode to make the mount point class(es) extend Plone
> Folder or something similar.

You just need to change the mounted object into the kind of object you
need.  One way to do this is to mount the SQL /Plone folder in a different
location temporarily, visit the alternate location, and replace the Data
folder with a PloneFolder.  In your dbtab.conf you should have a line like


Change it temporarily to this:

mount_paths=/Plone/Data; /PloneTemp:/Plone

Then visit /PloneTemp, remove the Data folder, and create a PloneFolder in 
its place.

It may work immediately, but to be sure everything is in good shape, you
should then delete the mounted /Plone/Data and mount it again.
