[ZODB-Dev] [Ann] "ReadCommitted" transaction isolation level

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 22:14:21 +0100

Steve Alexander wrote at 2003-3-22 15:27 +0200:
 > > Another option is to somehow introduce inter-record consistency checking 
 > > in ZODB.  I wonder how that would work.
 > That sounds like something the Zope 3 dependency system would be good 
 > for. Except, the dependency would be handled at the application level 
 > rather than at the ZODB level.

I think that would be enough.

At least the typical examples for the need of serializability
affect only a small set of objects and not the myriads
of intermittent objects accessed to reach these objects.
Implementing a guarantee that another transaction did
not interfere with respect to a small set of objects
will be much more efficiently implementable that the
full serializability.
