[ZODB-Dev] Testing ZODB application

Antonio Beamud Montero antonio.beamud at linkend.com
Thu May 22 12:12:46 EDT 2003

Hi all:
  I have created an application with ZODB very easily. The problem is
when I try to create the test. I only can create one test. for example:

Collector is a class that has a BTree and serveral methods to manage it.
Also in the __init__ method of collector I create the storage, the db,
the connection and in the root I create a key,BTree pair.

def removefs(base):
    """Remove all files created by FileStorage with path base."""
    for ext in '', '.old', '.tmp', '.lock', '.index', '.pack':   
        path = base + ext
        except os.error, err:
            if err[0] != errno.ENOENT:

class CollectorBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.col = Collector()
        self.id = '230920'
        req = FullRequest(self.id)
        req.set_period_start('2003-05-06 05:00:00')
        req.set_period_end('2003-05-06 07:00:00')
    def tearDown(self):

class FirstTest(CollectorBaseTest):
    def runTest(self):
        """Comprobando una peticisn simple"""
        t = self.col.request_by_id(self.id)
        assert str(t) == "OK"

class SecTest(CollectorBaseTest):
    def runTest(self):
        t = self.col.request_by_id('11111')
        assert str(t) == "Failure"

But when I try to run this suite of tests, it says for the second test
it can't open the Data.fs file when it try to init the collector

Can anybody help me?
I need to do something especial to run tests with ZODB?


Antonio Beamud Montero <antonio.beamud at linkend.com>

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