[ZODB-Dev] Recursion Error with ape and ZCatalog

Klaus Wölfel k.woelfel at gmx.de
Wed Apr 7 17:15:14 EDT 2004


I experience two problems with the otherwise great Ape storage. I've got a 
ZCatalog with 22 indexes, the half of them being textindexes. When indexing 
more than about 3000 objects I get the following error:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 104, in publish
  Module Zope.App.startup, line 221, in commit
  Module ZODB.Transaction, line 233, in commit
  Module ZODB.Transaction, line 348, in _commit_objects
  Module apelib.zodb3.connection, line 263, in commit
  Module apelib.core.io, line 152, in serialize
  Module apelib.core.serializers, line 93, in serialize
  Module apelib.zodb3.serializers, line 214, in serialize
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

I tried it with ape fs storage and with the sql storage with mysql, the latter 
on both linux and win.

The other problem occurs when I use ZCtextIndex instead TexindeexNG as 
textindex. Then after adding only some object and then clearing the Catalog i 
get this error:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 104, in publish
  Module Zope.App.startup, line 221, in commit
  Module ZODB.Transaction, line 233, in commit
  Module ZODB.Transaction, line 348, in _commit_objects
  Module apelib.zodb3.connection, line 263, in commit
  Module apelib.core.io, line 152, in serialize
  Module apelib.core.serializers, line 93, in serialize
  Module apelib.zodb3.serializers, line 238, in serialize
RuntimeError: Unable to pickle the '_catalog' attribute, <Catalog instance at 
4142e500>, of <ZCatalog instance at 413bf830> at '9'.  Cannot pickle 
<extension class Acquisition.ImplicitAcquirerWrapper at 408ab500> objects.

The same error occurs when adding a normal "old" textindex.

I suspect that ape doesn't know how to store either the ZCatalog, the Catalog, 
the  ZCTextIndex or the required lexicon, so I added this to the apeconf.xml 

<mapper name="anyfile">
 <use-for class="Products.ZCatalog.Catalog.Catalog" />
 <use-for class="Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog.Catalog" />
 <use-for class="Products.ZCTextIndex.ZCTextIndex.ZCTextIndex" />
 <use-for class="Products.ZCTextIndex.ZCTextIndex.PLexicon" />

but it didn't help. Can anybody give me a hint what I'm doing wrong here?

Then I have some questions: In my Product all about 10,000 objects are stored 
in an BTree so the ape fs-storge stores them all in one file. Is this a 
problem - does this file needs to get somehow packed like Data.fs? Is the 
whole file loaded in memory when accessing one of the objects?


Klaus Woelfel

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