[ZODB-Dev] Connection simplification

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Mon Oct 25 15:16:03 EDT 2004

There are two Wiki pages proposing to simplify Connection management:



Since there are a ton of details not mentioned in either, and the Wiki pages
have gotten no feedback, I'm going to ask here.

The only thing I'm going to bring up in this msg is a number of optional
arguments to DB.open():  temporary, force, and waitflag.  They're not
documented, not tested, *AFAICT* they're not used, and all *appear* to be
ways to hack around the current hard limit on the # of connections per DB.
Anyone want to champion one of them?  For example, does anyone use one of
them?  I've said "AFAICT they're not used" about other things, and been

Else I'll change DB.open() to raise a deprecation warning if one is used
(and ignore its value), and get rid of them in a later release.  If you do
use one of these, please tell me what you think it accomplishes too.

While we're at it, while it's not really part of simplifying connection
management, does anyone use DB.open()'s optional transaction= argument?
That's another that appears undocumented, untested, and unused.  (Note that
the newer optional txn_mgr= option is a different beast -- that's not going

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