[ZODB-Dev] Hanging ZEO-client hangs all other ZEO-clients?

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario at ita.chalmers.se
Tue Apr 12 08:10:14 EDT 2005


I am in need for some help. We are using Zope 2.6.2, DBTab on the 
clients (4 of them on 2 servers) and Directory storage on teh ZEO side.

Almost 3 weeks ago we suddenly started experiencing intermittent server 
hangs. Since then we have server hangs at least 2 times per day. 
Naturally uers are non-happy.

Yesterday afternoonI restarted the ZEO server, but today we just now had 
our first hang again. The logs of the clients state:

ERROR(200) ZServer uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<ZServer.HTTPServer.zhttp_channel connected at 
0x1a310774 channel#: 88880 req
uests:> (socket.error:(104, 'Connection reset by peer') 

but it "seems" to fix itself because there are other log entries after 
that. After an hour or two the clients stop responding, however, and 
here is where the wirdness starts. It seems that ALL the clients stop 
responding. I verified this by acceident when I restarted the two nodes 
of the first server. Suddenly all four nodes started responding (even 
the two that where not restarted) and the ZEO-serverlog started to log 
events again.

This leads me to wonder if there indeed is some interaction between the 
ZEO-clients that we need to be aware of.

Any response would be appreciated.



-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
"...and click? damn, I need to kill -9 Word again..." - b using macosx

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