[ZODB-Dev] Re:SVN: ZODB/branches/anguenot-ordering-beforecommitsubscribers/src/transaction/Implements the ordering of before commit subscribers :

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Wed Aug 10 15:17:04 EDT 2005

[Julien Anguenot]
> I renamed those arguments in both methods.
> How can we solve this 2 methods problem ? Deprecation of the old one ? Or
> can we live like this ?

I think this would leave us in the best state:

1. Deprecate beforeCommitHook(), to be subsumed by #2.

2. Change the name of your new function to, e.g., addBeforeCommitHook()
   or registerBeforeCommitHook(), and change its signature to

     hook, args=(), kws=None, order=0

The mechanics of deprecation are clumsy, but don't worry about #1 -- if we
can agree this is the best outcome, I'll do the deprecation coding+testing.

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