[ZODB-Dev] strange savepoint behavior

dvd dvd at gnx.it
Thu Nov 3 07:10:57 EST 2005

Hi all,

I'm writing a framework on top of ZODB and I'm now investigate on a
strange savepoint-related behavior (after a savepoint.rollback the
attributes of a Persistent-derived class disappears)

While investigate i write this code and found another strange behavior
(maybe correlated?)

***** CODE *****

from ZODB import FileStorage, DB
from persistent import Persistent
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
import transaction

dbname = '/tmp/test.db'
fstorage = FileStorage.FileStorage(dbname)
db = DB(fstorage)
conn = db.open()
root = conn.root()

class Word(Persistent):
    def __init__(self, word, id):
        super(Word, self).__init__()
	self.id = id
        self._word = word

data = root['data'] = OOBTree()

commonWords = []
count = "0"
for x in ('hello', 'world', 'how', 'are', 'you'):
	commonWords.append(Word(x, count))
	count = str(int(count) + 1)

sv = transaction.savepoint()
for word in commonWords:
	sv2 = transaction.savepoint()
	data[word.id] = word


print commonWords[1].id

***** END CODE *****

if i run this snippet, the last line (print ...) raise a POSKeyError

It works nicely if i omit the "sv2 = transaction.savepoint()" line or if
the Word class is a subclass of object

Have you any idea?

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