[ZODB-Dev] Mindnumbing POSkeyError

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Sat Apr 1 03:48:26 EST 2006

Stoons - Headnet wrote at 2006-3-29 13:06 +0200:
> ...
>Of cause I have tried to del / manage_delObjects it, but both times
>ZODB.POSException.POSKeyError: 0x06f21b was returned in both cases
>I ran the following:
>o = app['kristendom']['medier']['billeder']['image.2006-03-19.5540330656']
>for m in dir(o):
>    try:
>        print getattr(o,m)
>    except:
>        pass
>and it returned:
><bound method Acquirer.(?) of <Image at 0x42754dd0>>
><CMethod object at 0x40decd00>
>It seems that it is an "empty transition"
>Can somebody please help..?

You do not give very precise information...

>From what you describe I *guess*:

  The "POSKeyError" happens on a child of "image.2006-03-19.5540330656".
  This seems to be an image.

Now, there are losts of different "Image" types around.
Let's assume it is a "OFS.Image.Image" object.
Such an object has a single persistent subobject: the real image
data -- maintained in the attribute "data".

If all guesses are correct, then you would have lost the image
data. In this case, you could probably simple delete the image
to get rid of the "POSKeyError".

If some guesses are wrong, you must provide more information
to get the remaining guesses right...


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