[ZODB-Dev] Re: ZEO and Twisted

David Pratt fairwinds at eastlink.ca
Tue Apr 25 10:13:49 EDT 2006

Florent Guillaume wrote:

> Huh, I thought you were talking about the ZEO client, ClientStorage, not 
> the ZEO server.
> For the ZEO server I don't see the point of changing it, it works well.
> OTOH a ClientStorage has to integrate with the other servers in Zope, 
> and that's the one that would benefit from being moved to the twisted 
> event loop if twisted is used.

Hi Florent. Sorry I was meaning the whole not just asyncore and twisted 
integration for instances. I think re-implementing the zrpc protocol for 
ZEO server would clean things up quite a bit and make the security issue 
easier to deal with.

Then we are talking apples and probably less code as well since twisted 
handles a fair amount and its already in the zope distribution. Reading 
posts about about securing zeo etc from as far back as six years ago 
makes me wonder why not? Twisted uses zope interfaces, has all the right 
stuff and makes it easier on top of it. I am no networking guru for 
sure, but at the end of the day, zrpc is a simple custom protocol that 
should be pretty doable in twisted without building custom add ons to 
secure network communication.

Is there is any strong opposition to using the twistd daemon for a 
twisted zeo service?


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