[ZODB-Dev] ZEO shutdown gives: Error in sys.excepthook

Chris Bainbridge chris.bainbridge at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 18:09:39 EST 2007

I have a ZEO application, occasionally on shutdown I see an intermittent error:

Unhandled exception in thread started by
Error in sys.excepthook:

Original exception was:

I've got a feeling I've seen this reported before on this mailing
list, and it looks the same as the problem here
http://osdir.com/ml/python.cherrypy/2005-12/msg00004.html where it's
judged to be harmless and caused by the way the python interpreter
exits. I assume it's caused by the asyncore thread (I'm using

Calling ZODB.Connection.Connection.close() followed by time.sleep(300)
seems to stop this occurring in my case. Is there a cleaner/proper


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