[ZODB-Dev] zodb design document

Jürgen Herrmann Juergen.Herrmann at XLhost.de
Wed Aug 12 10:33:59 EDT 2009

hi there!

is there a zodb design document?

what i'm interested in are the following things:
 - some basic description how the zodb works (f.ex. i don't understand
   what the difference between a serial and a transaction id is)?
 - looking at basestorage and the methods that have to be implemented,
   is there documentation what the reimplementation in a concrete
   subclass has to do exactly? (ordering of things, desired side effects

why do i ask? i'd like to create a RadosStorage zodb backend ceph's
underlying object storage "RADOS" (see
http://ceph.newdream.net/blog/category/rados/ )

thanks in advance for your replies!

best regards,
jürgen herrmann
>> XLhost.de - eXperts in Linux hosting ® <<

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