[ZODB-Dev] Relstorage pack problems

Santi Camps scamps at earcon.com
Mon Jan 26 10:00:27 EST 2009

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 8:45 PM, Shane Hathaway <shane at hathawaymix.org> wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Assuming your bad script caused your problem, it is likely that packing
>> will still mess up your database, since you still probably have mixed-up
>> object_state rows.  Don't pack until I've had a chance to look again.
> Here is some more analysis.  Now that I understand you accidentally merged
> two databases into one by forcing copyTransactionsFrom() to run when it
> shouldn't, I looked for the transactions you merged.  First I looked for the
> OIDs with a confused transaction ID.
> => select zoid from current_object where tid != (select max(tid) from
> object_state where object_state.zoid = current_object.zoid);
>  zoid
> ------
>    7
>   10
>   12
>   11
>    9
>    8
> (6 rows)
> Then I listed all non-current transaction IDs for those objects.
> =>  select zoid, tid from object_state where zoid in (7,8,9,10,11,12) and
> tid != (select tid from current_object where current_object.zoid =
> object_state.zoid);
>  zoid |        tid
> ------+--------------------
>    8 | 250499913748614178
>    9 | 250499913748614178
>   10 | 250499913748614178
>   11 | 250499913748614178
>   12 | 250499913748614178
>    7 | 250499913748614178
> (6 rows)
> Based on this information and the information in my last email, I can deduce
> that you fortunately merged only two transactions from another database and
> that while the merge caused conflicts, these objects haven't been otherwise
> modified.  Note that the bad database merge could have happened at any time,
> not necessarily November 17 when these transactions were created.  Anyone
> with access to your database and your broken script could cause this problem
> again.  Fix the script quickly.
> Here are the two bad transactions:
> 250499913441768123 | initial database creation
> 250499913748614178 | /manage_main\012\012Created Zope Application
> You need to delete all traces of these two transactions from your database.
>  Before you do, please ensure nothing is actually using them.  The query
> below should not return any rows.
> select * from current_object where tid in (250499913441768123,
> 250499913748614178);
> Assuming that query returns no rows, here is how you can remove the bad
> transactions:
> update object_state set prev_tid = 0 where prev_tid in (250499913441768123,
> 250499913748614178);
> delete from object_state where tid in (250499913441768123,
> 250499913748614178);
> delete from object_ref where tid in (250499913441768123,
> 250499913748614178);
> delete from object_refs_added where tid in (250499913441768123,
> 250499913748614178);
> delete from transaction where tid in (250499913441768123,
> 250499913748614178);
> commit;
> Once you've done that, you should see no more anomalies in current_object:
> =>  select zoid from current_object where tid != (select max(tid) from
> object_state where object_state.zoid = current_object.zoid);
>  zoid
> ------
> (0 rows)
> I used several shortcuts for this solution, particularly the statement that
> sets prev_tid to 0.  If you had merged a more complex database, I wouldn't
> have been able to use shortcuts.
> I'm glad to know RelStorage didn't do anything wrong after all.  Perhaps the
> copyTransactionsFrom() method could work harder to prevent a mishap like
> this, but that method is part of the ZODB API, not RelStorage, so I don't
> have as much control over it.
> However, I still don't want you to pack yet because my experiments with
> packing your database has revealed some unexpected behavior.  I'm going to
> look into it.

Thanks again, Shane.   We'll fix the script, try removing this 2
transactions and packing on a copy of the database, to see what
happens.   The last pack on a copy works, but then the application
raises a KeyError 8, probably becouse this zoid is one of the affected
by the wrong transactions.

Santi Camps (Earcon S.L.)

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