[ZODB-Dev] [X-Post] Figure out bottle neck in a repoze.bfg based web app

Alex Clark aclark at aclark.net
Tue Jan 24 14:00:38 UTC 2012

On 1/24/12 8:50 AM, steve wrote:
> Hi All,
> I apologize for the cross-post but by this mail I simply hope to get a few
> pointers on how to narrow down to the problem I am seeing. I shall post to the
> relevant list if I have further questions.
> So here is the issue:
> Short description:
> I've got a repoze.bfg application running on top of zeo/zodb across multiple
> servers, served using mod_wsgi and it's showing bad resource usage (both high
> memory consumption as well as CPU usage). Are there any steps i can do to
> localise whether this is an issue with zeo/zodb/mod_wsgi configuration, and/or
> usage ?
> Long description:
> * I have a repoze.bfg (version 1.3) based app, which uses zodb (over zeo,
> version 3.10.2) as the backend and is served up using apache+mod_wsgi. All
> running on a minimal debian 6.0 based amazon instances.
> * The architecture is 1 zodb server and 4 app instances running on individual
> EC2 instances (all in the same availability zone). All of the instances are
> behind an amazon Elastic Load Balancer
> * At the web-server, we don't customize apache much (ie: we pretty much use the
> stock debian apache config). We use mod_wsgi (version 3.3-2) to serve the
> application in daemon mode, with the following parameters:
> WSGIDaemonProcess webapp user=appname threads=7 processes=4
> maximum-requests=10000 python-path=/path/to/virtualenv/eggs
> * The web app is the only thing that is served from these instances and we serve
> the static content for the using apache rather than the web app.
> * The zodb config on the db server looks like:
> <zeo>
>    address 8886
>    read-only false
>    invalidation-queue-size 1000
>    pid-filename $INSTANCE/var/ZEO.pid
>    # monitor-address 8887
>    # transaction-timeout SECONDS
> </zeo>
> <blobstorage 1>
>    <filestorage>
>      path $INSTANCE/var/webapp.db
>    </filestorage>
>    blob-dir $INSTANCE/var/blobs
> </blobstorage>
> * The zeo connection string (for repoze.zodbconn-0.11) is:
> zodb_uri = zeo://<zodb server
> ip>:8886/?blob_dir=/path/to/var/blobs&shared_blob_dir=false&connection_pool_size=50&cache_size=1024MB&drop_cache_rather_verify=true
> (Note: the drop_cache_rather_verify=true is for faster startups)
> Now with this, on live we have typical load such as:
> top - 13:34:54 up 1 day,  8:22,  2 users,  load average: 11.87, 8.75, 6.37
> Tasks:  85 total,   2 running,  82 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
> Cpu(s): 81.1%us,  6.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 11.8%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.2%st
> Mem:  15736220k total,  7867340k used,  7868880k free,   283332k buffers
> Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,  1840876k cached
>   5079 appname   21   0 1587m 1.2g 6264 S   77  8.1   9:23.86 apache2
>   5065 appname   20   0 1545m 1.2g 6272 S   95  7.9   9:31.24 apache2
>   5144 appname   20   0 1480m 1.1g 6260 S   86  7.4   5:49.92 apache2
>   5127 appname   20   0 1443m 1.1g 6264 S   94  7.2   7:13.10 apache2
> ....
> ....
> ....
> As you can see that very high load avg. and the apache processes spawned for
> mod_wsgi (identifiable because of the user whose context they run under) consume
> about 1.2Gs resident memory each.
> With a constant load like this, the app. response progressively degrades. We've
> tried to tweak the number of processes, the cache_size in the zeo connection
> string but all to no avail. So, now rather than shoot in the dark, I would
> appreciate suggestions on how I might be able to isolate the bottle-neck in the
> stack.
> One thing to note is that is high load and memory usage is only seen on the
> production instances. When we test the app. using ab or funkload on a similar
> setup (2 app instances instead of 4), we do not see this problem.
> Any pointers/comments would be appreciated.

You might try New Relic


> cheers,
> - steve
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Alex Clark · http://pythonpackages.com

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