[ZODB-Dev] Pack problem

Frédéric Iterbeke Frederic.Iterbeke at UGent.be
Mon Jun 30 10:32:21 CEST 2014

Op 30/06/2014 9:30, Alessandro Pisa schreef:
> I have a ~70Gb Data.fs that does not pack anymore.
> When I pack it it creates a ~8GB Data.fs.pack, then it evaluates thi condition:
>   -https://github.com/zopefoundation/ZODB/blob/3.9.5/src/ZODB/FileStorage/fspack.py#L410
> as True, removes, the Data.fs.pack and returns.
> The same happens with ZODB-3.10.5 and using pack-gc = false.
> In every permutation I tried the produced Data.fs.pack files have the
> same checksum.
> Does anybody have some hints?
> What I am trying to do:
>   - comment the Data.fs.pack removing.
>   - use that file as a new Data.fs
Well, 70 Gb Data.fs is pretty big. But not impossible afaik.

If you set pack-gc = false it's normal that nothing is removed.

If you think the code is doing something wrong and you would like to try 
packing anyway, I would suggest you just comment the entire if in the 
fspack.py code and try running this version. If I read the code 
correctly, this would force (at least trying) a pack in any case, 
assuming pack-gc=true.

I'm not guaranteeing anything and I'm just a zodb user though ;) And 
remember to use a copy of your data when doing stuff like this ;)

Good luck!

Frédéric Iterbeke, Universiteit Gent
Phone: 09 264 46 45
Email: Frederic.Iterbeke at UGent.be
Directie ICT, Afdeling Toepassingen

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