[Zope-Annce] EconoAccount-0.0.4

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 15:51:10 +0100

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"The EconoAccount Product is a database application for keeping track of 
your expenditures.
It can be used either for an individual or for a group of people sharing 
one account.
It has beeb built with extreme care for usability."


     - Added timeskips functionality
       (useful for when you go on holiday)

     - Placed all textual content in seperate file
       (and translated to Swedish for those who want that)

     - Added full listing template

     - Improved batchlinks on expenditure listing

     - Improved plugin handling to filterables

     - Removed "Ownership" and "Find" tabs

     - Added MergeExpenditures(), FixMissingProperties()



http://zigurat.galdrion.com:8180/people/petbe/econoaccount/testaccount (u: 
guest, p: guest)

Feedback: econoaccount@peterbe.com

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