[Zope-Annce] Archetypes 1.2.0 final Released

Sidnei da Silva sidnei at awkly.org
Mon Nov 17 15:20:16 EST 2003

The Archetypes Team is proud to present the Archetypes 1.2.0 final
release. This release is a recommended upgrade for everyone using
Archetypes 1.0.x as it brings a whole set of improvements which also
include security and some unicode handling fixes.

What is Archetypes?

  Archetypes (formerly known as CMFTypes) is a framework designed to
  facilitate the building of applications for Plone and CMF. Its main
  purpose is to provide a common method for building content objects,
  based on schema definitions. Fields can be grouped for editing,
  making it very simple to create wizard-like forms.

If you are new to Archetypes, you can also check the free introductory
Archetypes article, published in ZopeMag:


Changes since 1.0.1:

- Revisited security permissions
- New BSD-like licensing option (1.0.2 - 1.2.0beta1 were licensed
  under the GPL)
- The new BaseUnit is used by default now. The old one is still
  available but will be removed on the next release
- Added ``VariableSchemaSupport``
- Multi-Catalog support (one catalog per portal type)
- Improved mime-type detection when uploading files
- New test suite, based on ZopeTestCase_
- Templates are now using the Plone 2.0 style (which makes them
  somewhat unusable under Plone 1.0.x, unfortunately)
- Should be usable with plain CMF (though not as pretty :)
- Added registries for Widgets, Fields, Types, Validators (missing
  Storage registry, will be added on 1.2.1)
- DisplayList is now public, meaning you can import it from a Script
- 'visible' setting on Widgets should work now
- It is possible to specify the Image class on the ImageField now,
  thanks to Jeff Kunce
- Extended fields index attribute syntax to support extra arguments.
  That allows for instance to add a ZCTextIndex::

    index='ZCTextIndex, lexicon_id=lexicon, index_type=Okapi BM25 Rank'

- Added several interface tests, thanks to Tiran
- Should work with External Editor in most of the cases
- Should work with WebDAV if you have a PrimaryFieldMarshaller, and
  set 'primary = 1' on a TextField
- Default marshaller is RFC822Marshaller, which marshalls all the
  fields as RFC822-style headers, plus the primary field as the body
  of the document.
- Added some initial support for the ArcheBuilder_. This is in
  its very very initial state, but you can read about the plans at
  `this url`_

As of beta3, ArchGenXML is included in this tarball. Here's a short
description of ArchGenXML:

    ArchGenXML is a commandline utility that generates Plone
    applications based on the Archetypes framework from XMI (UML)
    and XSD (XMLSchema) files.

    It is tested with the XMI output from the following tools:
    ObjectDomain, Sybase PowerDesigner, ArgoUML, Poseidon, KDE's

Tarball: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/archetypes/archetypes-1.2.0.tgz?download

.. _ZopeTestCase: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/collective/ZopeTestCase/
.. _this url: http://awkly.org/Members/sidnei/weblog_storage/blog_92759
.. _ArcheBuilder: http://awkly.org/files/archebuilder/archebuilder.xul

Sidnei da Silva <sidnei at awkly.org>
http://awkly.org - dreamcatching :: making your dreams come true

To err is human, to forgive, beyond the scope of the Operating System.

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