[Zope-Annce] [Ann] [Zope3 in Zope2] "localevent": Zope3 events in Zope2 applications

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Mon Mar 7 16:04:31 EST 2005

Events (and event subscriptions) are a major concept for loose
integration of independent components.

Zope3 supports events and event subscriptions. However, its
subscriptions are global. Many (local) services are interested in
events generated in a specific subsite. A prominent example are
catalogs that catalog objects in a subsite.

"localevent" is a Zope2 product. It provides a (persistent and local)
local_event_subscription tool (in the sense of CMF tools). Other tools
can use it to subscribe for (Zope3) events originating in the subsite
rooted in the parent of the local_event_subscription instance.

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