[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Products/ZCatalog/regressiontests - keywords.py:1.2 loadmail.py:1.2 regressionCatalog.py:1.2 regressionCatalogTiming.py:1.2 unittest_patched.py:1.2

Andreas Jung andreas@zope.com
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:04:46 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/ZCatalog/regressiontests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23090/regressiontests

Added Files:
	keywords.py loadmail.py regressionCatalog.py 
	regressionCatalogTiming.py unittest_patched.py 
Log Message:
- reorganized structure of ZCatalog unittests
- tests/test*.py now runs with testrunner
- regressiontests/*.py are based on unittest but require a 
  mailbox files as input for tests

=== Products/ZCatalog/regressiontests/keywords.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+class Keywords:
+    """ stupid class to read a list of rfc822 messages and extract
+    all words from the subject header. We use this class for testing
+    purposes only
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.kw = []
+    def build(self,mbox,limit):
+        mb = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(mbox))
+        msg = mb.next()
+        while msg and len(self.kw) < limit:
+            sub =  msg.dict.get("subject","").split(' ')
+            for f in sub:
+                ok = 1
+                for c in f: 
+                    if not c in string.letters: ok=0
+                if ok==1 and  not f in self.kw : self.kw.append(f)
+            msg = mb.next()
+        P = cPickle.Pickler(open('data/keywords','w'))
+        P.dump(self.kw)
+    def reload(self):
+        P = cPickle.Unpickler(open('data/keywords','r'))
+        self.kw = P.load()
+    def keywords(self):
+        return self.kw
+if __name__=="__main__":
+    k = Keywords()
+    k.build("/home/andreas/zope.mbox",1000)

=== Products/ZCatalog/regressiontests/loadmail.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+    cd lib/python
+    python Products/ZCatalog/tests/loadmail.py command args
+where each command has it's own command-line arguments that it expects.
+Note that all of the commands operate on the Zope database,
+typically var/Data.fs.
+Note that this script uses the proc file system to get memory size.
+Many of the commands output performance statisics on lines that look like::
+      11.3585170507 0.06 2217781L 7212
+where the numbers are:
+        - clock time in seconds
+        - cpu time used by the main thread, in seconds,
+        - Database size growth over the test
+        - Memory growth during the test (if the proc file system is available).
+    base mbox max
+      Build a base database by:
+        - Deleting ../../Data.fs
+        - Starting Zope
+        - Adding a top-level folder names 'mail'
+        - Reading up to max messages from the Unix mailbox file, mbox
+          and adding them as documents to the mail folder.
+    index threshold
+       Index all of the DTML documents in the database, committing
+       sub-transactions after each threshold objects.
+       If the threshold is less than the number of messages, then the
+       size of the temporary sub-transaction commit file is output.
+    inc mbox start end [threads wait]
+       Incrementally index messages start to end in unix mailbox mbox.
+       If the threads argument is supplied, then it specifies the
+       number of threads to use. For example, with:
+           python Products/ZCatalog/tests/loadmail.py inc mbox 0 200 2
+       One thread indexes messages 0 to 99 and another thread indexes messages
+       100 to 199.
+       If wait is specified, then after each document is indexed, the
+       thread sleeps a random number of seconds between 0 and 2*wait.
+       The default wait is 0.25 seconds.
+       For each thread, a line that looks like::
+           3.41 (0, 1)
+      is output, containing:
+          - The cpu time
+          - The number of ZODB trabsaction conflicts detected when reading
+          - The number of ZODB trabsaction conflicts detected when committing
+    edit edits deletes inserts threads wait
+       Incrementally edit edits messages from mail. For each message,
+       do a random number of word deletes between 0 and deletes * 2
+       and do a random number of inserts between 0 and inserts * 2.
+       For each thread, a line that looks like::
+           3.41 (0, 1)
+       as described above.
+    pdebug command args
+       Run one of the other commands in the Python debugger.
+sample suite of tests::
+    cd lib/python
+    python Products/ZCatalog/tests/loadmail.py base ~/zope.mbox 1000
+    python Products/ZCatalog/tests/loadmail.py index 100
+    python Products/ZCatalog/tests/loadmail.py inc ~/python-dev.mbox 0 10 2
+    python Products/ZCatalog/tests/loadmail.py edit 10 10 10 2
+import mailbox, time, sys, os, string
+sys.path.insert(0, '.')
+import whrandom
+from string import strip, find, split, lower, atoi
+from urllib import quote
+def do(db, f, args, returnf=None):
+    """Do something and measure it's impact"""
+    size=db.getSize()
+    mem=VmSize()
+    t=time.time()
+    c=time.clock()
+    r=apply(f, args)
+    t=time.time() - t
+    c=time.clock() - c
+    size=db.getSize()-size
+    mem=VmSize()-mem
+    if returnf is not None: returnf(t, c, size, mem, r)
+    else: return t, c, size, mem, r
+def loadmessage(dest, message, i, body=None, headers=None):
+    if body is None: body=message.fp.read()
+    if headers is None: headers=message.headers
+    dest.manage_addDTMLDocument(str(i), file=body)
+    doc=dest[str(i)]
+    for h in headers:
+        h=strip(h)
+        l=find(h,':')
+        if l <= 0: continue
+        name=lower(h[:l])
+        if name=='subject': name='title'
+        v=strip(h[l+1:])
+        type='string'
+        if 0 and name=='date': type='date'
+        elif 0:
+            try: atoi(v)
+            except: pass
+            else: type=int
+        if name=='title':
+            doc.manage_changeProperties(title=h)
+        else:
+            try: doc.manage_addProperty(name, v, type)
+            except: pass
+def loadmail(dest, name, mbox, printstat=0, max=99999999):
+    try:
+        import Products.BTreeFolder.BTreeFolder
+    except:
+        dest.manage_addFolder(name)
+    else:
+        Products.BTreeFolder.BTreeFolder.manage_addBTreeFolder(dest, name)
+    dest=getattr(dest, name)
+    f=open(mbox)
+    mb=mailbox.UnixMailbox(f)
+    i=0
+    message=mb.next()
+    while message:
+        if i > max: break
+        if i%100 == 0 and printstat:
+            sys.stdout.write("\t%s\t%s\t\r" % (i, f.tell()))
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        if i and (i%5000 == 0):
+            get_transaction().commit()
+            dest._p_jar._cache.invalidate(None)
+            dest._p_jar._cache.minimize()
+        loadmessage(dest, message, i)
+        i=i+1
+        message=mb.next()
+    dest.number_of_messages=i
+    get_transaction().commit()
+def loadinc(name, mb, printstat=0, max=99999999, wait=1):
+    from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
+    from time import sleep
+    from whrandom import uniform
+    import Zope, sys
+    rconflicts=wconflicts=0
+    i=0
+    message=mb.next()
+    body=message.fp.read()
+    headers=list(message.headers)
+    while i < max:
+        # sys.stderr.write("%s " % i)
+        # sys.stdout.flush()
+        if wait: sleep(uniform(0,wait))
+        jar=Zope.DB.open()
+        app=jar.root()['Application']
+        mdest=getattr(app, name)
+        if i%100 == 0 and printstat:
+            sys.stdout.write("\t%s\t%s\t\r" % (i, f.tell()))
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        did=str(i)
+        try:
+            loadmessage(mdest, message, did, body, headers)
+            doc=mdest[did]
+            app.cat.catalog_object(doc)
+        except ConflictError, v:
+            # print v.args
+            rconflicts=rconflicts+1
+            get_transaction().abort()
+        else:
+            try:
+                get_transaction().commit()
+                i=i+1
+                message=mb.next()
+                body=message.fp.read()
+                headers=list(message.headers)
+            except ConflictError:
+                wconflicts=wconflicts+1
+                get_transaction().abort()
+        doc=app=mdest=0
+        jar.close()
+    if printstat: sys.stdout.write("\t%s\t%s\t\n" % (i, f.tell()))
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+    return rconflicts, wconflicts
+def buildbase():
+    try: os.unlink('../../var/Data.fs')
+    except: pass
+    import Zope, Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog
+    app=Zope.app()
+    Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog.manage_addZCatalog(app, 'cat', '')
+    get_transaction().commit()
+    return app
+def base():
+    try: os.unlink('../../var/Data.fs')
+    except: pass
+    import Zope
+    app=Zope.app()
+    max=atoi(sys.argv[3])
+    print do(Zope.DB, loadmail, (app, 'mail', sys.argv[2], 1, max))
+    Zope.DB.close()
+class RE:
+    def redirect(*args, **kw): pass
+def indexf(app):
+    r=RE()
+    r.PARENTS=[0, app.mail]
+    app.cat.manage_catalogFoundItems(r,r,'','',['DTML Document'])
+    get_transaction().commit()
+def index():
+    os.environ['STUPID_LOG_FILE']=''
+    os.environ['STUPID_LOG_SEVERITY']='-111'
+    import Zope, Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog
+    import AccessControl.SecurityManagement, AccessControl.SpecialUsers
+    app=Zope.app()
+    Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog.manage_addZCatalog(app, 'cat', '')
+    app.cat.threshold=atoi(sys.argv[2])
+    app.cat._catalog.delIndex('bobobase_modification_time')
+    get_transaction().commit()
+    system = AccessControl.SpecialUsers.system
+    AccessControl.SecurityManagement.newSecurityManager(None, system)
+    r=RE()
+    r.PARENTS=[app.cat, app]
+    print do(Zope.DB, indexf, (app,))
+    hist(sys.argv[2])
+    Zope.DB.close()
+def initmaili(n):
+    import Zope
+    app=Zope.app()
+    try:
+        import Products.BTreeFolder.BTreeFolder
+    except:
+        app.manage_addFolder(n)
+    else:
+        Products.BTreeFolder.BTreeFolder.manage_addBTreeFolder(app, n)
+    get_transaction().commit()
+    app._p_jar.close()
+def hist(n):
+    import Zope
+    app=Zope.app()
+    import cPickle
+    pickler=cPickle.Pickler(open("h%s.hist" % n, 'w'))
+    h=app.cat._catalog.indexes['PrincipiaSearchSource'].histogram()
+    pickler.dump(list(h.items()))
+    #h=app.cat._catalog.uids.keys()
+    #pickler.dump(list(h))
+def inc():
+    import Zope, thread
+    min, max = atoi(sys.argv[3]), atoi(sys.argv[4])
+    count = max-min
+    try: threads=atoi(sys.argv[5])
+    except:
+        threads=1
+        wait=0
+    else:
+        try: wait=atof(sys.argv[6])
+        except: wait=0.25
+        wait = wait * 2
+    count = count / threads
+    max = min + count
+    omin=min
+    db=Zope.DB
+    size=db.getSize()
+    mem=VmSize()
+    t=time.time()
+    c=time.clock()
+    mbox=sys.argv[2]
+    argss=[]
+    for i in range(threads):
+        amin=min+i*count
+        dest='maili%s' % amin
+        initmaili(dest)
+        mb=mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(mbox))
+        j=0
+        while j < amin:
+            mb.next()
+            j=j+1
+        lock=thread.allocate_lock()
+        lock.acquire()
+        def returnf(t, c, size, mem, r, lock=lock):
+            print c, r
+            lock.release()
+        argss.append((lock, (dest, mb, 0, count, wait), returnf))
+    for lock, args, returnf in argss:
+        thread.start_new_thread(do, (Zope.DB, loadinc, args, returnf))
+    for lock, args, returnf in argss:
+        lock.acquire()
+    t=time.time() - t
+    c=time.clock() - c
+    size=db.getSize()-size
+    mem=VmSize()-mem
+    print t, c, size, mem
+    hist("%s-%s-%s" % (omin, count, threads))
+    Zope.DB.close()
+words=['banishment', 'indirectly', 'imprecise', 'peeks',
+'opportunely', 'bribe', 'sufficiently', 'Occidentalized', 'elapsing',
+'fermenting', 'listen', 'orphanage', 'younger', 'draperies', 'Ida',
+'cuttlefish', 'mastermind', 'Michaels', 'populations', 'lent',
+'cater', 'attentional', 'hastiness', 'dragnet', 'mangling',
+'scabbards', 'princely', 'star', 'repeat', 'deviation', 'agers',
+'fix', 'digital', 'ambitious', 'transit', 'jeeps', 'lighted',
+'Prussianizations', 'Kickapoo', 'virtual', 'Andrew', 'generally',
+'boatsman', 'amounts', 'promulgation', 'Malay', 'savaging',
+'courtesan', 'nursed', 'hungered', 'shiningly', 'ship', 'presides',
+'Parke', 'moderns', 'Jonas', 'unenlightening', 'dearth', 'deer',
+'domesticates', 'recognize', 'gong', 'penetrating', 'dependents',
+'unusually', 'complications', 'Dennis', 'imbalances', 'nightgown',
+'attached', 'testaments', 'congresswoman', 'circuits', 'bumpers',
+'braver', 'Boreas', 'hauled', 'Howe', 'seethed', 'cult', 'numismatic',
+'vitality', 'differences', 'collapsed', 'Sandburg', 'inches', 'head',
+'rhythmic', 'opponent', 'blanketer', 'attorneys', 'hen', 'spies',
+'indispensably', 'clinical', 'redirection', 'submit', 'catalysts',
+'councilwoman', 'kills', 'topologies', 'noxious', 'exactions',
+'dashers', 'balanced', 'slider', 'cancerous', 'bathtubs', 'legged',
+'respectably', 'crochets', 'absenteeism', 'arcsine', 'facility',
+'cleaners', 'bobwhite', 'Hawkins', 'stockade', 'provisional',
+'tenants', 'forearms', 'Knowlton', 'commit', 'scornful',
+'pediatrician', 'greets', 'clenches', 'trowels', 'accepts',
+'Carboloy', 'Glenn', 'Leigh', 'enroll', 'Madison', 'Macon', 'oiling',
+'entertainingly', 'super', 'propositional', 'pliers', 'beneficiary',
+'hospitable', 'emigration', 'sift', 'sensor', 'reserved',
+'colonization', 'shrilled', 'momentously', 'stevedore', 'Shanghaiing',
+'schoolmasters', 'shaken', 'biology', 'inclination', 'immoderate',
+'stem', 'allegory', 'economical', 'daytime', 'Newell', 'Moscow',
+'archeology', 'ported', 'scandals', 'Blackfoot', 'leery', 'kilobit',
+'empire', 'obliviousness', 'productions', 'sacrificed', 'ideals',
+'enrolling', 'certainties', 'Capsicum', 'Brookdale', 'Markism',
+'unkind', 'dyers', 'legislates', 'grotesquely', 'megawords',
+'arbitrary', 'laughing', 'wildcats', 'thrower', 'sex', 'devils',
+'Wehr', 'ablates', 'consume', 'gossips', 'doorways', 'Shari',
+'advanced', 'enumerable', 'existentially', 'stunt', 'auctioneers',
+'scheduler', 'blanching', 'petulance', 'perceptibly', 'vapors',
+'progressed', 'rains', 'intercom', 'emergency', 'increased',
+'fluctuating', 'Krishna', 'silken', 'reformed', 'transformation',
+'easter', 'fares', 'comprehensible', 'trespasses', 'hallmark',
+'tormenter', 'breastworks', 'brassiere', 'bladders', 'civet', 'death',
+'transformer', 'tolerably', 'bugle', 'clergy', 'mantels', 'satin',
+'Boswellizes', 'Bloomington', 'notifier', 'Filippo', 'circling',
+'unassigned', 'dumbness', 'sentries', 'representativeness', 'souped',
+'Klux', 'Kingstown', 'gerund', 'Russell', 'splices', 'bellow',
+'bandies', 'beefers', 'cameramen', 'appalled', 'Ionian', 'butterball',
+'Portland', 'pleaded', 'admiringly', 'pricks', 'hearty', 'corer',
+'deliverable', 'accountably', 'mentors', 'accorded',
+'acknowledgement', 'Lawrenceville', 'morphology', 'eucalyptus',
+'Rena', 'enchanting', 'tighter', 'scholars', 'graduations', 'edges',
+'Latinization', 'proficiency', 'monolithic', 'parenthesizing', 'defy',
+'shames', 'enjoyment', 'Purdue', 'disagrees', 'barefoot', 'maims',
+'flabbergast', 'dishonorable', 'interpolation', 'fanatics', 'dickens',
+'abysses', 'adverse', 'components', 'bowl', 'belong', 'Pipestone',
+'trainees', 'paw', 'pigtail', 'feed', 'whore', 'conditioner',
+'Volstead', 'voices', 'strain', 'inhabits', 'Edwin', 'discourses',
+'deigns', 'cruiser', 'biconvex', 'biking', 'depreciation', 'Harrison',
+'Persian', 'stunning', 'agar', 'rope', 'wagoner', 'elections',
+'reticulately', 'Cruz', 'pulpits', 'wilt', 'peels', 'plants',
+'administerings', 'deepen', 'rubs', 'hence', 'dissension', 'implored',
+'bereavement', 'abyss', 'Pennsylvania', 'benevolent', 'corresponding',
+'Poseidon', 'inactive', 'butchers', 'Mach', 'woke', 'loading',
+'utilizing', 'Hoosier', 'undo', 'Semitization', 'trigger', 'Mouthe',
+'mark', 'disgracefully', 'copier', 'futility', 'gondola', 'algebraic',
+'lecturers', 'sponged', 'instigators', 'looted', 'ether', 'trust',
+'feeblest', 'sequencer', 'disjointness', 'congresses', 'Vicksburg',
+'incompatibilities', 'commend', 'Luxembourg', 'reticulation',
+'instructively', 'reconstructs', 'bricks', 'attache', 'Englishman',
+'provocation', 'roughen', 'cynic', 'plugged', 'scrawls', 'antipode',
+'injected', 'Daedalus', 'Burnsides', 'asker', 'confronter',
+'merriment', 'disdain', 'thicket', 'stinker', 'great', 'tiers',
+'oust', 'antipodes', 'Macintosh', 'tented', 'packages',
+'Mediterraneanize', 'hurts', 'orthodontist', 'seeder', 'readying',
+'babying', 'Florida', 'Sri', 'buckets', 'complementary',
+'cartographer', 'chateaus', 'shaves', 'thinkable', 'Tehran',
+'Gordian', 'Angles', 'arguable', 'bureau', 'smallest', 'fans',
+'navigated', 'dipole', 'bootleg', 'distinctive', 'minimization',
+'absorbed', 'surmised', 'Malawi', 'absorbent', 'close', 'conciseness',
+'hopefully', 'declares', 'descent', 'trick', 'portend', 'unable',
+'mildly', 'Morse', 'reference', 'scours', 'Caribbean', 'battlers',
+'astringency', 'likelier', 'Byronizes', 'econometric', 'grad',
+'steak', 'Austrian', 'ban', 'voting', 'Darlington', 'bison', 'Cetus',
+'proclaim', 'Gilbertson', 'evictions', 'submittal', 'bearings',
+'Gothicizer', 'settings', 'McMahon', 'densities', 'determinants',
+'period', 'DeKastere', 'swindle', 'promptness', 'enablers', 'wordy',
+'during', 'tables', 'responder', 'baffle', 'phosgene', 'muttering',
+'limiters', 'custodian', 'prevented', 'Stouffer', 'waltz', 'Videotex',
+'brainstorms', 'alcoholism', 'jab', 'shouldering', 'screening',
+'explicitly', 'earner', 'commandment', 'French', 'scrutinizing',
+'Gemma', 'capacitive', 'sheriff', 'herbivore', 'Betsey', 'Formosa',
+'scorcher', 'font', 'damming', 'soldiers', 'flack', 'Marks',
+'unlinking', 'serenely', 'rotating', 'converge', 'celebrities',
+'unassailable', 'bawling', 'wording', 'silencing', 'scotch',
+'coincided', 'masochists', 'graphs', 'pernicious', 'disease',
+'depreciates', 'later', 'torus', 'interject', 'mutated', 'causer',
+'messy', 'Bechtel', 'redundantly', 'profoundest', 'autopsy',
+'philosophic', 'iterate', 'Poisson', 'horridly', 'silversmith',
+'millennium', 'plunder', 'salmon', 'missioner', 'advances', 'provers',
+'earthliness', 'manor', 'resurrectors', 'Dahl', 'canto', 'gangrene',
+'gabler', 'ashore', 'frictionless', 'expansionism', 'emphasis',
+'preservations', 'Duane', 'descend', 'isolated', 'firmware',
+'dynamites', 'scrawled', 'cavemen', 'ponder', 'prosperity', 'squaw',
+'vulnerable', 'opthalmic', 'Simms', 'unite', 'totallers', 'Waring',
+'enforced', 'bridge', 'collecting', 'sublime', 'Moore', 'gobble',
+'criticizes', 'daydreams', 'sedate', 'apples', 'Concordia',
+'subsequence', 'distill', 'Allan', 'seizure', 'Isadore', 'Lancashire',
+'spacings', 'corresponded', 'hobble', 'Boonton', 'genuineness',
+'artifact', 'gratuities', 'interviewee', 'Vladimir', 'mailable',
+'Bini', 'Kowalewski', 'interprets', 'bereave', 'evacuated', 'friend',
+'tourists', 'crunched', 'soothsayer', 'fleetly', 'Romanizations',
+'Medicaid', 'persevering', 'flimsy', 'doomsday', 'trillion',
+'carcasses', 'guess', 'seersucker', 'ripping', 'affliction',
+'wildest', 'spokes', 'sheaths', 'procreate', 'rusticates', 'Schapiro',
+'thereafter', 'mistakenly', 'shelf', 'ruination', 'bushel',
+'assuredly', 'corrupting', 'federation', 'portmanteau', 'wading',
+'incendiary', 'thing', 'wanderers', 'messages', 'Paso', 'reexamined',
+'freeings', 'denture', 'potting', 'disturber', 'laborer', 'comrade',
+'intercommunicating', 'Pelham', 'reproach', 'Fenton', 'Alva', 'oasis',
+'attending', 'cockpit', 'scout', 'Jude', 'gagging', 'jailed',
+'crustaceans', 'dirt', 'exquisitely', 'Internet', 'blocker', 'smock',
+'Troutman', 'neighboring', 'surprise', 'midscale', 'impart',
+'badgering', 'fountain', 'Essen', 'societies', 'redresses',
+'afterwards', 'puckering', 'silks', 'Blakey', 'sequel', 'greet',
+'basements', 'Aubrey', 'helmsman', 'album', 'wheelers', 'easternmost',
+'flock', 'ambassadors', 'astatine', 'supplant', 'gird', 'clockwork',
+'foxes', 'rerouting', 'divisional', 'bends', 'spacer',
+'physiologically', 'exquisite', 'concerts', 'unbridled', 'crossing',
+'rock', 'leatherneck', 'Fortescue', 'reloading', 'Laramie', 'Tim',
+'forlorn', 'revert', 'scarcer', 'spigot', 'equality', 'paranormal',
+'aggrieves', 'pegs', 'committeewomen', 'documented', 'interrupt',
+'emerald', 'Battelle', 'reconverted', 'anticipated', 'prejudices',
+'drowsiness', 'trivialities', 'food', 'blackberries', 'Cyclades',
+'tourist', 'branching', 'nugget', 'Asilomar', 'repairmen', 'Cowan',
+'receptacles', 'nobler', 'Nebraskan', 'territorial', 'chickadee',
+'bedbug', 'darted', 'vigilance', 'Octavia', 'summands', 'policemen',
+'twirls', 'style', 'outlawing', 'specifiable', 'pang', 'Orpheus',
+'epigram', 'Babel', 'butyrate', 'wishing', 'fiendish', 'accentuate',
+'much', 'pulsed', 'adorned', 'arbiters', 'counted', 'Afrikaner',
+'parameterizes', 'agenda', 'Americanism', 'referenda', 'derived',
+'liquidity', 'trembling', 'lordly', 'Agway', 'Dillon', 'propellers',
+'statement', 'stickiest', 'thankfully', 'autograph', 'parallel',
+'impulse', 'Hamey', 'stylistic', 'disproved', 'inquirer', 'hoisting',
+'residues', 'variant', 'colonials', 'dequeued', 'especial', 'Samoa',
+'Polaris', 'dismisses', 'surpasses', 'prognosis', 'urinates',
+'leaguers', 'ostriches', 'calculative', 'digested', 'divided',
+'reconfigurer', 'Lakewood', 'illegalities', 'redundancy',
+'approachability', 'masterly', 'cookery', 'crystallized', 'Dunham',
+'exclaims', 'mainline', 'Australianizes', 'nationhood', 'pusher',
+'ushers', 'paranoia', 'workstations', 'radiance', 'impedes',
+'Minotaur', 'cataloging', 'bites', 'fashioning', 'Alsop', 'servants',
+'Onondaga', 'paragraph', 'leadings', 'clients', 'Latrobe',
+'Cornwallis', 'excitingly', 'calorimetric', 'savior', 'tandem',
+'antibiotics', 'excuse', 'brushy', 'selfish', 'naive', 'becomes',
+'towers', 'popularizes', 'engender', 'introducing', 'possession',
+'slaughtered', 'marginally', 'Packards', 'parabola', 'utopia',
+'automata', 'deterrent', 'chocolates', 'objectives', 'clannish',
+'aspirin', 'ferociousness', 'primarily', 'armpit', 'handfuls',
+'dangle', 'Manila', 'enlivened', 'decrease', 'phylum', 'hardy',
+'objectively', 'baskets', 'chaired', 'Sepoy', 'deputy', 'blizzard',
+'shootings', 'breathtaking', 'sticking', 'initials', 'epitomized',
+'Forrest', 'cellular', 'amatory', 'radioed', 'horrified', 'Neva',
+'simultaneous', 'delimiter', 'expulsion', 'Himmler', 'contradiction',
+'Remus', 'Franklinizations', 'luggage', 'moisture', 'Jews',
+'comptroller', 'brevity', 'contradictions', 'Ohio', 'active',
+'babysit', 'China', 'youngest', 'superstition', 'clawing', 'raccoons',
+'chose', 'shoreline', 'helmets', 'Jeffersonian', 'papered',
+'kindergarten', 'reply', 'succinct', 'split', 'wriggle', 'suitcases',
+'nonce', 'grinders', 'anthem', 'showcase', 'maimed', 'blue', 'obeys',
+'unreported', 'perusing', 'recalculate', 'rancher', 'demonic',
+'Lilliputianize', 'approximation', 'repents', 'yellowness',
+'irritates', 'Ferber', 'flashlights', 'booty', 'Neanderthal',
+'someday', 'foregoes', 'lingering', 'cloudiness', 'guy', 'consumer',
+'Berkowitz', 'relics', 'interpolating', 'reappearing', 'advisements',
+'Nolan', 'turrets', 'skeletal', 'skills', 'mammas', 'Winsett',
+'wheelings', 'stiffen', 'monkeys', 'plainness', 'braziers', 'Leary',
+'advisee', 'jack', 'verb', 'reinterpret', 'geometrical', 'trolleys',
+'arboreal', 'overpowered', 'Cuzco', 'poetical', 'admirations',
+'Hobbes', 'phonemes', 'Newsweek', 'agitator', 'finally', 'prophets',
+'environment', 'easterners', 'precomputed', 'faults', 'rankly',
+'swallowing', 'crawl', 'trolley', 'spreading', 'resourceful', 'go',
+'demandingly', 'broader', 'spiders', 'Marsha', 'debris', 'operates',
+'Dundee', 'alleles', 'crunchier', 'quizzical', 'hanging', 'Fisk']
+from ZODB.utils import u64
+def incedit(edits, wait, ndel=20, nins=20):
+    import Zope, whrandom, string, time
+    from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
+    rconflicts=wconflicts=0
+    did=str(edits.pop())
+    while edits:
+        if wait: time.sleep(whrandom.uniform(0,wait))
+        jar=Zope.DB.open()
+        app=jar.root()['Application']
+        doc=getattr(app.mail, did)
+        text=string.split(doc.raw)
+        n=whrandom.randint(0,ndel*2)
+        for j in range(n):
+            if len(text) < 2: break
+            j=whrandom.randint(0,len(text)-1)
+            #del text[j]
+        n=whrandom.randint(0,nins*2)
+        for j in range(n):
+            word=whrandom.choice(words)
+            text.append(word)
+        doc.raw=string.join(text)
+        try: app.cat.catalog_object(doc)
+        except ConflictError, v:
+            #print v.args
+            rconflicts=rconflicts+1
+            get_transaction().abort()
+        else:
+            try:
+                get_transaction().commit()
+                did=str(edits.pop())
+            except ConflictError:
+                wconflicts=wconflicts+1
+                get_transaction().abort()
+        doc=app=0
+        jar.close()
+    return rconflicts, wconflicts
+def edit():
+    import Zope, thread
+    nedit, ndel, nins = atoi(sys.argv[2]), atoi(sys.argv[3]), atoi(sys.argv[4])
+    try: threads=atoi(sys.argv[5])
+    except:
+        threads=1
+        wait=0
+    else:
+        try: wait=atof(sys.argv[6])
+        except: wait=0.25
+        wait = wait * 2
+    if threads==1: start_new_thread=apply
+    else: start_new_thread=thread.start_new_thread
+    db=Zope.DB
+    app=Zope.app()
+    number_of_messages=app.mail.number_of_messages
+    app._p_jar.close()
+    size=db.getSize()
+    mem=VmSize()
+    t=time.time()
+    c=time.clock()
+    alledits={}
+    argss=[]
+    for i in range(threads):
+        lock=thread.allocate_lock()
+        if threads > 1:
+            lock.acquire()
+            def returnf(t, c, size, mem, r, lock=lock):
+                print c, r
+                lock.release()
+        else:
+            def returnf(t, c, size, mem, r, lock=lock):
+                print c, r
+        edits=[0]
+        while len(edits) <= nedit:
+            edit=whrandom.randint(0, number_of_messages)
+            if not alledits.has_key(edit):
+                alledits[edit]=1
+                edits.append(edit)
+        #print edits
+        argss.append((lock, (edits, wait, ndel, nins), returnf))
+    for lock, args, returnf in argss:
+        start_new_thread(do, (Zope.DB, incedit, args, returnf))
+    for lock, args, returnf in argss:
+        lock.acquire()
+    t=time.time() - t
+    c=time.clock() - c
+    size=db.getSize()-size
+    mem=VmSize()-mem
+    print t, c, size, mem
+    #hist("e%s" % (threads))
+    Zope.DB.close()
+def VmSize():
+    try: f=open('/proc/%s/status' % os.getpid())
+    except: return 0
+    else:
+        l=filter(lambda l: l[:7]=='VmSize:', f.readlines())
+        if l:
+            l=string.split(string.strip(l[0][7:]))[0]
+            return string.atoi(l)
+    return 0
+def pdebug():
+    import pdb
+    del sys.argv[1]
+    pdb.run('globals()[sys.argv[1]]()')
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    try: f=globals()[sys.argv[1]]
+    except:
+        print __doc__
+        sys.exit(1)
+    else: f()

=== Products/ZCatalog/regressiontests/regressionCatalog.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+# Regression test for ZCatalog
+import os,sys
+    import Testing
+except ImportError:
+    sys.path[0] = "../../.."
+    import Testing
+os.environ['STUPID_LOG_FILE']= "debug.log"
+here = os.getcwd()
+import Zope
+import ZODB, ZODB.FileStorage
+from Products.ZCatalog import ZCatalog,Vocabulary
+from Products.ZCatalog.Catalog import CatalogError
+import Persistence
+import ExtensionClass
+from Testing import dispatcher
+import keywords
+from zLOG import LOG
+import getopt,whrandom,time,string,mailbox,rfc822
+import unittest_patched as unittest
+# maximum number of files to read for the test suite
+maxFiles = 1000
+# maximum number of threads for stress testa
+numThreads = 4
+# number of iterations for searches
+searchIterations = 1000
+# number of iterations for catalog/uncatalog operations
+updateIterations = 100
+# input mailbox file
+mbox   = os.environ.get("TESTCATALOG_MBOX","/usr/home/andreas/zope.mbox")
+mbox2  = os.environ.get("TESTCATALOG_MBOX2", "/usr/home/andreas/python.mbox")
+dataDir = ""
+# Don't change anything below
+class testZODB:
+    """ some wrapper stuff around ZODB """
+    def __init__(self, file = "data/work/Data.fs",open=1):
+        self.db = ZODB.DB( ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage(file) )
+        if open==1:
+            self.connection = self.db.open()
+            self.root = self.connection.root()
+    def write(self,name,obj):
+        self.root[name] = obj
+        get_transaction().commit()
+    def read(self,name):
+        return self.root[name]
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.db.close()
+class testCatalog(Persistence.Persistent,unittest.TestCase):
+    """ Wrapper around the catalog stuff """
+    def __init__(self,mboxname,maxfiles):
+        self.msg_ids = []
+        self.num_files = 0
+        self.keywords = []
+        self.maxfiles = maxfiles
+        self._vocabulary = Vocabulary.Vocabulary('Vocabulary',
+                            'Vocabulary', globbing=1)
+        self._catalog    = ZCatalog.ZCatalog("zcatalog")
+        self._catalog.addIndex('to',      'TextIndex')
+        self._catalog.addIndex('sender',  'TextIndex')
+        self._catalog.addIndex('subject', 'TextIndex')
+        self._catalog.addIndex('content', 'TextIndex')
+        self._catalog.addIndex('file_id', 'TextIndex')
+        self._catalog.addColumn('file_id')
+        self._catalog.addIndex('length',  'FieldIndex')
+        self._catalog.addColumn('length')
+        self._catalog.addIndex('date',    'FieldIndex')
+        self._catalog.addIndex('keywords', "KeywordIndex")
+        self.build_catalog(mboxname)
+    def build_catalog(self,mboxname):
+        mb = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(mboxname,"r"))
+        i = 0
+        msg = mb.next()
+        while msg and self.num_files<self.maxfiles:
+            try:
+                self.catMessage(msg)
+                self.msg_ids.append(msg.dict["message-id"])
+            except: 
+                msg = mb.next()
+                continue
+            msg = mb.next()
+            self.num_files = self.num_files + 1
+            if self.num_files % 100==0: print self.num_files
+            try:
+                sub = string.split(msg.dict.get("subject",""))
+            except:
+                msg = mb.next()
+                continue
+            for s in sub: 
+                if not s in self.keywords: self.keywords.append(s)
+        self._catalog.aq_parent = None
+    def catMessage(self,m):
+        self._catalog.catalogObject( testMessage(m) , 
+                                    m.dict["message-id"] )
+    def uncatMessage(self,uid):
+        self._catalog.uncatalogObject( uid )
+class testMessage(ExtensionClass.Base):
+    def __init__(self,msg,modify_doc=0):
+        self.sender  = msg.dict.get("from","")
+        self.subject = msg.dict.get("subject","")
+        self.to      = msg.dict.get("to","")
+        self.content = str(msg)
+        self.keywords= string.split(self.subject , " ")
+        if modify_doc !=0:
+            self.keywords = map(self.reverse,self.keywords)
+        self.file_id = msg.dict.get("message-id","")
+        self.length  = len(str(msg))
+        date         = msg.dict.get("date","")
+        try:
+            self.date    =  time.mktime(rfc822.parsedate(date)[:9])
+        except: pass  
+    def reverse(self,s):
+        l = list(s)
+        l.reverse()
+        return string.join(l,"")
+    def __del__(self):
+       pass 
+class BuildEnv(dispatcher.Dispatcher,unittest.TestCase):
+    """ build environment """        
+    def __init__(self,func,*args,**kw):
+        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self,func,args,kw)
+        dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self,func)
+        self.init_phase = 0
+        self.setlog( open("dispatcher.log","a") )
+        self.logn('treads=%d  searchiterations=%d' % 
+                    (numThreads,searchIterations))
+        self.logn('updateiterations=%d  maxfiles=%d' % 
+                    (updateIterations,maxFiles))
+    #############################################################        
+    # Build up ZODB
+    #############################################################        
+    def buildTestEnvironment(self,args,kw):
+        self.init_phase = 1
+        self.dispatcher("funcTestEnvironment",("funcTestEnvironment",1,args,kw))
+    def funcTestEnvironment(self,dataDir,maxFiles):
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        if not os.path.exists(dataDir): os.makedirs(dataDir)
+        os.system("rm -f %s/*" % dataDir)
+        zodb = testZODB("%s/Data_orig.fs" % dataDir)
+        print "parsing and reading mailbox file %s....please wait" % mbox
+        tc = testCatalog( mbox,maxFiles )
+        print "writing Catalog to ZODB"
+        zodb.write("catalog" , tc)
+        print "Creating keywords file"
+        kw = keywords.Keywords()
+        kw.build(mbox,1000)
+        print tc.num_files, "files read"
+        print "Initalization complete"
+        self.th_teardown(env)
+class testSearches(dispatcher.Dispatcher,unittest.TestCase):
+    """ test searches """
+    def __init__(self,func,*args,**kw):
+        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self,func,args,kw) 
+        dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self,func)
+        self.init_phase = 0
+        self.setlog( open("dispatcher.log","a") )
+    def setUp(self):
+        os.system("rm -fr data/work")
+        if not os.path.exists("data/work"): os.makedirs("data/work")
+        assert os.system("cp %s/Data_orig.fs data/work/Data.fs" % dataDir)==0, \
+            "Error while replicating original data"
+        self.zodb 	 	= testZODB("data/work/Data.fs",open=0)
+        self.threads    = {} 
+        self.init_zodb_size = self.zodb_size()
+        kw = keywords.Keywords()
+        kw.reload()
+        self.keywords  = kw.keywords()    
+        self.logn("-" * 80)
+        self.logn('treads=%d  searchiterations=%d' % 
+                    (numThreads,searchIterations))
+        self.logn('updateiterations=%d  maxfiles=%d' % 
+                    (updateIterations,maxFiles))
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self.log_zodb_size("before",self.init_zodb_size)
+        self.log_zodb_size("after ",self.zodb_size())
+        del self.zodb
+        self.zodb = self.catalog = None		
+    def log_zodb_size(self,s,n):
+        self.logn("Size of ZODB (data/work/Data.fs) %s test : %s" % (s,n) )
+    def zodb_size(self):
+        return self.size2size(os.stat("data/work/Data.fs")[6])
+    def size2size(self,n):
+        import math
+        if n <1024.0: return "%8.3lf Bytes" % n
+        if n <1024.0*1024.0: return "%8.3lf KB" % (1.0*n/1024.0)
+        if n <1024.0*1024.0*1024.0: return "%8.3lf MB" % (1.0*n/1024.0/1024.0)
+    #############################################################        
+    # Fulltext test
+    #############################################################        
+    def testFulltextIndex(self,args,kw):
+        """ benchmark FulltextIndex """
+        self.dispatcher('funcFulltextIndex' , 
+            ('funcFulltextIndex', kw["numThreads"] , () , {} ) )
+    def funcFulltextIndex(self,*args):
+        """ benchmark FulltextIndex """
+        cat,msg_ids = self.get_catalog()
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        for kw in self.keywords:
+            res = cat.searchResults( {"content" : kw } )
+        self.th_teardown(env)
+    #############################################################        
+    # Field index test
+    #############################################################        
+    def testFieldIndex(self,args,kw):
+        """ benchmark field index"""
+        self.dispatcher('funcFieldIndex' , 
+            ('funcFieldIndex',kw["numThreads"] , () , {} ) )
+    def funcFieldIndex(self,*args):
+        """ benchmark FieldIndex """
+        cat,msg_ids = self.get_catalog()
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        for i in range(0,searchIterations):
+            res = cat.searchResults( {"length" : i } )
+            for r in res:
+                assert i==r.length , "%s should have size %d but is %s" %  \
+                    (r.file_id,i,r.length)
+        self.th_teardown(env)
+    #############################################################        
+    # Keyword index test
+    #############################################################        
+    def testKeywordIndex(self,args,kw):
+        """ benchmark Keyword index"""
+        self.dispatcher('funcKeywordIndex' , 
+            ('funcKeywordIndex', kw["numThreads"] , () , {} ) )
+    def funcKeywordIndex(self,*args):
+        """ benchmark KeywordIndex """
+        cat,msg_ids = self.get_catalog()
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        for kw in self.keywords:
+            res = cat.searchResults( {"subject" : kw } )
+#            assert len(res) != 0 , "Search result for keyword '%s' is empty" % kw
+        self.th_teardown(env)
+    #############################################################        
+    # Field range index test
+    #############################################################        
+    def testFieldRangeIndex(self,args,kw):
+        """ benchmark field range index"""
+        self.dispatcher('funcFieldRangeIndex' , 
+            ('funcFieldRangeIndex', kw["numThreads"] , () , {} ) )
+    def funcFieldRangeIndex(self,*args):
+        """ benchmark FieldRangeIndex """
+        cat,msg_ids = self.get_catalog()
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        rg = []
+        for i in range(searchIterations):
+            m = whrandom.randint(0,10000) 
+            n = m + 200
+            rg.append((m,n))
+        for i in range(searchIterations):
+            for r  in cat.searchResults( {"length" : rg[i],"length_usage" : "range:min:max" } ):
+                size = r.length
+                assert rg[i][0]<=size and size<=rg[i][1] , \
+                "Filesize of %s is out of range (%d,%d) %d" % (r.file_id,rg[i][0],rg[i][1],size)
+        self.th_teardown(env)
+    #############################################################        
+    # Keyword + range index test
+    #############################################################        
+    def testKeywordRangeIndex(self,args,kw):
+        """ benchmark Keyword range index"""
+        self.dispatcher('funcKeywordRangeIndex' , 
+            ('funcKeywordRangeIndex', kw["numThreads"] , () , {} ) )
+    def funcKeywordRangeIndex(self,*args):
+        """ benchmark Keyword & IndexRange search """
+        cat,msg_ids = self.get_catalog()
+        rg = []
+        for i in range(len(self.keywords)):
+            m = whrandom.randint(0,10000) 
+            n = m + 200
+            rg.append( (m,n) )
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        results = []            
+        for i in range(len(self.keywords)):
+            results.append( cat.searchResults( {"keywords":self.keywords[i], 
+                                                "length" : rg[i],
+                                                "length_usage" : "range:min:max" } )
+                                            )
+        self.th_teardown(env)
+    #############################################################        
+    # Test full reindexing
+    #############################################################        
+    def testUpdates(self,args,kw):
+        """ benchmark concurrent catalog/uncatalog operations """
+        self.dispatcher("testUpdates" , 
+            ("funcUpdates", kw["numThreads"] , args, kw ))
+    def funcUpdates(self,*args,**kw):
+        """ benchmark concurrent catalog/uncatalog operations """
+        uncat_conflicts = cat_conflicts = 0
+        cat,msg_ids = self.get_catalog()
+        msgs = self.setupUpdatesMethod(kw["numUpdates"])
+        keys = msgs.keys()
+        rdgen = whrandom.whrandom()
+        rdgen.seed(int(time.time()) % 256,int(time.time()) % 256,int(time.time()) % 256)
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        for i in range(len(keys)):
+            r = rdgen.randint(0,len(msgs)-1)
+            mid = keys[r]
+            obj = msgs[mid]
+            try:
+                cat.uncatalog_object(mid)
+                if kw.get("commit",1)==1:
+                    get_transaction().commit()            
+                    time.sleep(0.1)
+            except ZODB.POSException.ConflictError:
+                uncat_conflicts = uncat_conflicts + 1
+            try:
+                cat.catalog_object(obj,mid)
+                if kw.get("commit",1)==1:
+                    get_transaction().commit()            
+                    time.sleep(0.1)
+            except ZODB.POSException.ConflictError:
+                cat_conflicts = cat_conflicts + 1
+        try:
+            get_transaction().commit()            
+        except: pass
+        self.th_teardown(env,cat_conflicts=cat_conflicts,uncat_conflicts=uncat_conflicts)
+    def setupUpdatesMethod(self,numUpdates):
+        """ this method prepares a datastructure for the updates test.
+            we are reading the first n mails from the primary mailbox.
+            they are used for the update test
+        """
+        i = 0
+        dict = {}
+        mb = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(mbox,"r"))
+        msg = mb.next()
+        while msg and i<numUpdates:
+            obj = testMessage(msg)
+            mid = msg.dict.get("message-id",None)
+            if mid:
+                dict[mid] = obj 
+                i = i+1
+            msg = mb.next()
+        return dict 
+    #############################################################        
+    # Test full reindexing
+    #############################################################        
+    def testReindexing(self,args,kw):
+        """ test reindexing of existing data """
+        self.dispatcher("testReindexing" , 
+            ("funcReindexing",kw["numThreads"] , (mbox,1000) , {} ))
+    def testReindexingAndModify(self,args,kw):
+        """ test reindexing of existing data but with modifications"""
+        self.dispatcher("testReindexing" , 
+            ("funcReindexing",kw["numThreads"] , (mbox,1000,1) , {} ))
+    def funcReindexing(self,mbox,numfiles=100,modify_doc=0):
+        """ test reindexing of existing data """
+        cat_conflicts = 0
+        cat,msg_ids = self.get_catalog()
+        env = self.th_setup()
+        mb = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(mbox,"r"))
+        i = 0
+        msg = mb.next()
+        while msg and i<numfiles:
+            obj = testMessage(msg,modify_doc)
+            if msg.dict.has_key("message-id"):
+                mid = msg.dict["message-id"]
+            else:
+                msg = mb.next()
+                continue
+            try:
+                cat.catalogObject(obj,mid)
+                get_transaction().commit()
+            except:
+                cat_conflicts = cat_conflicts + 1
+            msg = mb.next()
+            i = i+1
+            if i%100==0: print i
+        self.th_teardown(env,cat_conflicts=cat_conflicts)
+    #############################################################        
+    # Test full reindexing
+    #############################################################        
+    def testIncrementalIndexing(self,args,kw):
+        """ testing incremental indexing """
+        self.dispatcher("testIncrementalIndexing" , 
+            ("funcReindexing",kw["numThreads"], (mbox2,1000) , {}))
+    def get_catalog(self):
+        """ return a catalog object """
+        # depended we are running in multithreaded mode we must take
+        # care how threads open the ZODB
+        connection  = self.zodb.db.open()
+        root        = connection.root()
+        cat	        = root["catalog"]._catalog
+        msg_ids     = root['catalog'].msg_ids
+        return cat,msg_ids
+def usage(program):
+    print "Usage: "
+    print
+    print "initalize the test catalog:   %s -i -f <maximum number files to use> " % program
+    print "to run the basic tests:       %s -b -f <maximum number files to use> " % program
+    print "to run the advanced tests:    %s -a -f <maximum number files to use> " % program
+def main():
+    global dataDir,maxFiles
+    opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hiabf:xp",['help'])
+    opts.sort()
+    optsLst = map(lambda x: x[0],opts)
+    if optsLst==[]: usage(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])); sys.exit(0)
+    for k,v in opts:
+        if k in ['-h','--help'] : usage(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])); sys.exit(0)
+        if k == "-f":   maxFiles    = string.atoi(v)
+    dataDir = os.path.join("data",str(maxFiles))
+    if '-i' in optsLst:
+        unittest.TextTestRunner().run(get_tests('init'))
+    if '-b' in optsLst:
+        unittest.TextTestRunner().run(get_tests('bench1'))
+    if '-a' in optsLst:
+        unittest.TextTestRunner().run(get_tests('bench2'))
+    if '-x' in optsLst:
+        unittest.TextTestRunner().run(get_tests('exp'))
+    if '-p' in optsLst:
+        unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())
+def test_suite():
+    return get_tests('basic')
+def get_tests(what):
+    global dataDir,maxFiles
+    if what=='basic':
+        maxFiles = 100
+        dataDir = 'data/%d' % maxFiles
+    t_aj = (
+         BuildEnv('buildTestEnvironment',dataDir,maxFiles),
+         testSearches("testFulltextIndex",numThreads=1),
+         testSearches("testFieldIndex",numThreads= 1),
+         testSearches("testFieldRangeIndex",numThreads=1),
+         testSearches("testKeywordIndex",numThreads= 1),
+         testSearches("testKeywordRangeIndex",numThreads= 1)
+    )
+    bench1_tests = (
+         testSearches("testFulltextIndex",numThreads=1),
+         testSearches("testFulltextIndex",numThreads= 4),
+         testSearches("testFieldIndex",numThreads= 1),
+         testSearches("testFieldIndex",numThreads= 4),
+         testSearches("testFieldRangeIndex",numThreads=1),
+         testSearches("testFieldRangeIndex",numThreads= 4),
+         testSearches("testKeywordIndex",numThreads= 1),
+         testSearches("testKeywordIndex",numThreads= 4),
+         testSearches("testKeywordRangeIndex",numThreads= 1),
+         testSearches("testKeywordRangeIndex",numThreads=4)
+    )
+    bench2_tests = (
+#       testSearches("testReindexing",numThreads=1),
+#        testSearches("testIncrementalIndexing",numThreads=1),
+        testSearches("testUpdates",numThreads=2,numUpdates=200),
+#        testSearches("testUpdates",numThreads=4,numUpdates=200)
+    )
+    exp_tests = (
+#        testRS("testRangeSearch"),
+#       testSearches("testReindexing",numThreads=1),
+         testSearches("testReindexingAndModify",numThreads=1),
+#        testSearches("testUpdates",numThreads=10,numUpdates=100),
+    )
+    init_tests = ( 
+        BuildEnv("buildTestEnvironment",dataDir,maxFiles) ,
+    )
+    ts = unittest.TestSuite()
+    for x in eval('%s_tests' % what): ts.addTest(x)
+    return ts
+    return
+def pdebug():
+    import pdb
+    test_suite()
+def debug():
+   test_suite().debug()
+def pdebug():
+    import pdb
+    pdb.run('debug()')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+       main()

=== Products/ZCatalog/regressiontests/regressionCatalogTiming.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+sys.path.insert(0, '.')
+    import Testing
+    os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME']=os.environ.get('SOFTWARE_HOME', '.')
+except ImportError:
+    sys.path[0]='../../..'
+    import Testing
+    os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME']='../../..'
+    os.path.join(os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME'],'..','..')
+    )
+                                           'debug.log')
+here = os.getcwd()
+import Zope
+import mailbox, time, httplib
+from string import strip, find, split, lower, atoi, join
+from urllib import quote
+from Products.ZCatalog import ZCatalog
+from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, JUnitTextTestRunner,\
+     VerboseTextTestRunner, makeSuite
+from Products.PluginIndexes.FieldIndex.FieldIndex import FieldIndex
+from Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.TextIndex import TextIndex
+from Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.Lexicon import  Lexicon
+from Products.PluginIndexes.KeywordIndex.KeywordIndex import KeywordIndex
+from Testing.makerequest import makerequest
+TextTestRunner = VerboseTextTestRunner
+class TestTimeIndex(TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.app = makerequest(Zope.app())
+        try: self.app._delObject('catalogtest')
+        except AttributeError: pass
+        self.app.manage_addFolder('catalogtest')
+        zcatalog = ZCatalog.ZCatalog('catalog', 'a catalog')
+        self.app.catalogtest._setObject('catalog', zcatalog)
+        c = self.app.catalogtest.catalog
+        for x in ('title', 'to', 'from', 'date', 'raw'):
+            try: c.manage_delIndexes([x])
+            except: pass
+        c.manage_addIndex('title', 'TextIndex')
+        c.manage_addIndex('to', 'TextIndex')
+        c.manage_addIndex('from', 'TextIndex')
+        c.manage_addIndex('date', 'FieldIndex')
+        c.manage_addIndex('raw', 'TextIndex')
+    def tearDown(self):
+        try: self.app._delObject('catalogtest')
+        except AttributeError: pass
+        try:
+            self.app._p_jar._db.pack()
+            self.app._p_jar.close()
+        except AttributeError: pass
+        self.app = None
+        del self.app
+    def checkTimeBulkIndex(self):
+        print
+        c = self.app.catalogtest.catalog
+        t = time.time()
+        loadmail(self.app.catalogtest, 'zopemail',
+                 os.path.join(here, 'zope.mbox'), 500)
+        get_transaction().commit()
+        loadtime = time.time() - t
+        out("loading data took %s seconds.. " % loadtime)
+        t = time.time()
+        req = self.app.REQUEST
+        parents = [self.app.catalogtest.catalog,
+                   self.app.catalogtest, self.app]
+        req['PARENTS'] = parents
+        rsp = self.app.REQUEST.RESPONSE
+        url1 = ''
+        c.manage_catalogFoundItems(req, rsp, url1, url1,
+                                   obj_metatypes=['DTML Document'])
+        indextime = time.time() - t
+        out("bulk index took %s seconds.. " % indextime)
+        out("total time for load and index was %s seconds.. "
+            % (loadtime + indextime))
+    def checkTimeIncrementalIndexAndQuery(self):
+        print
+        c = self.app.catalogtest.catalog
+        t = time.time()
+        max = 500
+        m = loadmail(self.app.catalogtest, 'zopemail',
+                     os.path.join(here, 'zope.mbox'), max, c)
+        get_transaction().commit()
+        total = time.time() - t
+        out("total time for load and index was %s seconds.. " % total)
+        t = time.time()
+        rs = c() # empty query should return all
+        assert len(rs) == max, len(rs)
+        dates = m['date']
+        froms = m['from']
+        tos =m['to']
+        titles = m['title']
+        assert len(c({'date':'foobarfoo'})) == 0 # should return no results
+        for x in dates:
+            assert len(c({'date':x})) == 1 # each date should be fieldindexed
+        assert len(c({'from':'a'})) == 0 # should be caught by splitter
+        assert len(c({'raw':'chris'})) != 0
+        assert len(c({'raw':'gghdjkasjdsda'})) == 0
+        assert c({'PrincipiaSearchSource':'the*'})
+    def checkTimeSubcommit(self):
+        print
+        for x in (None,100,500,1000,10000):
+            out("testing subcommit at theshhold of %s" % x)
+            if x is not None:
+                self.setUp()
+            c = self.app.catalogtest.catalog
+            c.threshold = x
+            get_transaction().commit()
+            t = time.time()
+            loadmail(self.app.catalogtest, 'zopemail',
+                     os.path.join(here, 'zope.mbox'), 500, c)
+            get_transaction().commit()
+            total = time.time() - t
+            out("total time with subcommit thresh %s was %s seconds.. "
+                % (x,total))
+            self.tearDown()
+# utility
+def loadmail(folder, name, mbox, max=None, catalog=None):
+    """
+    creates a folder inside object 'folder' named 'name', opens
+    filename 'mbox' and adds 'max' mail messages as DTML documents to
+    the ZODB inside the folder named 'name'.  If 'catalog' (which
+    should be a ZCatalog object) is passed in, call catalog_object on it
+    with the document while we're iterating.  If 'max' is not None,
+    only do 'max' messages, else do all messages in the mbox archive.
+    """
+    m = {'date':[],'from':[],'to':[],'title':[]}
+    folder.manage_addFolder(name)
+    folder=getattr(folder, name)
+    mb=mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(mbox))
+    i=0
+    every=100
+    message=mb.next()
+    while message:
+        part = `i/every * 100`
+        try:
+            dest = getattr(folder, part)
+        except AttributeError:
+            folder.manage_addFolder(part)
+            dest = getattr(folder, part)
+        dest.manage_addDTMLDocument(str(i), file=message.fp.read())
+        doc=getattr(dest, str(i))
+        i=i+1
+        for h in message.headers:
+            h=strip(h)
+            l=find(h,':')
+            if l <= 0: continue
+            name=lower(h[:l])
+            if name=='subject': name='title'
+            h=strip(h[l+1:])
+            type='string'
+            if 0 and name=='date': type='date'
+            elif 0:
+                try: atoi(h)
+                except: pass
+                else: type=int
+            if name=='title':
+                doc.manage_changeProperties(title=h)
+                m[name].append(h)
+            elif name in ('to', 'from', 'date'):
+                try: doc.manage_addProperty(name, h, type)
+                except: pass
+                m[name].append(h)
+        if catalog:
+            path = join(doc.getPhysicalPath(), '/')
+            catalog.catalog_object(doc, path)
+        if max is not None:
+            if i >= max: break
+        message=mb.next()
+    return m
+def out(s):
+    print "   %s" % s
+def test_suite():
+    s1 = makeSuite(TestTimeIndex, 'check')
+    testsuite = TestSuite((s1,))
+    return testsuite
+def main():
+    mb = os.path.join(here, 'zope.mbox')
+    if not os.path.isfile(mb):
+        print "do you want to get the zope.mbox file from lists.zope.org?"
+        print "it's required for testing (98MB, ~ 30mins on fast conn)"
+        print "it's also available at korak:/home/chrism/zope.mbox" 
+        print "-- type 'Y' or 'N'"
+        a = raw_input()
+        if lower(a[:1]) == 'y':
+            server = 'lists.zope.org:80'
+            method = '/pipermail/zope.mbox/zope.mbox'
+            h = httplib.HTTP(server)
+            h.putrequest('GET', method)
+            h.putheader('User-Agent', 'silly')
+            h.putheader('Accept', 'text/html')
+            h.putheader('Accept', 'text/plain')
+            h.putheader('Host', server)
+            h.endheaders()
+            errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
+            if errcode != 200:
+                f = h.getfile()
+                data = f.read()
+                print data
+                raise "Error reading from host %s" % server
+            f = h.getfile()
+            out=open(mb,'w')
+            print "this is going to take a while..."
+            print "downloading mbox from %s" % server
+            while 1:
+                l = f.readline()
+                if not l: break
+                out.write(l)
+    alltests=test_suite()
+    runner = TextTestRunner()
+    runner.run(alltests)
+def debug():
+    test_suite().debug()
+if __name__=='__main__':
+   if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+      globals()[sys.argv[1]]()
+   else:
+      main()

=== Products/ZCatalog/regressiontests/unittest_patched.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+Python unit testing framework, based on Erich Gamma's JUnit and Kent Beck's
+Smalltalk testing framework.
+Further information is available in the bundled documentation, and from
+  http://pyunit.sourceforge.net/
+This module contains the core framework classes that form the basis of
+specific test cases and suites (TestCase, TestSuite etc.), and also a
+text-based utility class for running the tests and reporting the results
+Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001 Steve Purcell
+This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Python itself, so long as this copyright message
+and disclaimer are retained in their original form.
+# This is patched version of unittest.py and allows to pass additional
+# parameters to the TestCase constructor.
+# This special version is only need to run the regression test 
+# in testCatalog.py#
+# ajung
+__author__ = "Steve Purcell"
+__email__ = "stephen_purcell@yahoo.com"
+__version__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
+import time
+import sys
+import traceback
+import string
+import os
+# A platform-specific concession to help the code work for JPython users
+plat = string.lower(sys.platform)
+_isJPython = string.find(plat, 'java') >= 0 or string.find(plat, 'jdk') >= 0
+del plat
+# Test framework core
+class TestResult:
+    """Holder for test result information.
+    Test results are automatically managed by the TestCase and TestSuite
+    classes, and do not need to be explicitly manipulated by writers of tests.
+    Each instance holds the total number of tests run, and collections of
+    failures and errors that occurred among those test runs. The collections
+    contain tuples of (testcase, exceptioninfo), where exceptioninfo is a
+    tuple of values as returned by sys.exc_info().
+    """
+    def __init__(self,args=(),kw={}):
+        self.failures = []
+        self.errors = []
+        self.testsRun = 0
+        self.shouldStop = 0
+        self.__args = args
+        self.__kw   = kw
+    def startTest(self, test):
+        "Called when the given test is about to be run"
+        self.testsRun = self.testsRun + 1
+    def stopTest(self, test):
+        "Called when the given test has been run"
+        pass
+    def addError(self, test, err):
+        "Called when an error has occurred"
+        self.errors.append((test, err))
+    def addFailure(self, test, err):
+        "Called when a failure has occurred"
+        self.failures.append((test, err))
+    def wasSuccessful(self):
+        "Tells whether or not this result was a success"
+        return len(self.failures) == len(self.errors) == 0
+    def stop(self):
+        "Indicates that the tests should be aborted"
+        self.shouldStop = 1
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s run=%i errors=%i failures=%i>" % \
+               (self.__class__, self.testsRun, len(self.errors),
+                len(self.failures))
+class TestCase:
+    """A class whose instances are single test cases.
+    Test authors should subclass TestCase for their own tests. Construction 
+    and deconstruction of the test's environment ('fixture') can be
+    implemented by overriding the 'setUp' and 'tearDown' methods respectively.
+    By default, the test code itself should be placed in a method named
+    'runTest'.
+    If the fixture may be used for many test cases, create as 
+    many test methods as are needed. When instantiating such a TestCase
+    subclass, specify in the constructor arguments the name of the test method
+    that the instance is to execute.
+    If it is necessary to override the __init__ method, the base class
+    __init__ method must always be called.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest',*args,**kw):
+        """Create an instance of the class that will use the named test
+           method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does
+           not have a method with the specified name.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.__testMethodName = methodName
+            testMethod = getattr(self, methodName)
+            self.__testMethodDoc = testMethod.__doc__
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise ValueError, "no such test method in %s: %s" % \
+                  (self.__class__, methodName)
+        self.__args = args
+        self.__kw   = kw
+    def setUp(self):
+        "Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it."
+        pass
+    def tearDown(self):
+        "Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it."
+        pass
+    def countTestCases(self):
+        return 1
+    def defaultTestResult(self):
+        return TestResult(self.__args,self.__kw)
+    def shortDescription(self):
+        """Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no
+        description has been provided.
+        The default implementation of this method returns the first line of
+        the specified test method's docstring.
+        """
+        doc = self.__testMethodDoc
+        return doc and string.strip(string.split(doc, "\n")[0]) or None
+    def id(self):
+        return "%s.%s" % (self.__class__, self.__testMethodName)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s (%s)" % (self.__testMethodName, self.__class__)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s testMethod=%s>" % \
+               (self.__class__, self.__testMethodName)
+    def run(self, result=None):
+        return self(result)
+    def __call__(self, result=None):
+        if result is None: result = self.defaultTestResult()
+        result.startTest(self)
+        testMethod = getattr(self, self.__testMethodName)
+        try:
+            try:
+                self.setUp()
+            except:
+                result.addError(self,self.__exc_info())
+                return
+            try:
+                apply(testMethod,self.__args,self.__kw)
+            except AssertionError, e:
+                result.addFailure(self,self.__exc_info())
+            except:
+                result.addError(self,self.__exc_info())
+            try:
+                self.tearDown()
+            except:
+                result.addError(self,self.__exc_info())
+        finally:
+            result.stopTest(self)
+    def debug(self):
+        """Run the test without collecting errors in a TestResult"""
+        self.setUp()
+        getattr(self, self.__testMethodName)()
+        self.tearDown()
+    def assert_(self, expr, msg=None):
+        """Equivalent of built-in 'assert', but is not optimised out when
+           __debug__ is false.
+        """
+        if not expr:
+            raise AssertionError, msg
+    failUnless = assert_
+    def failIf(self, expr, msg=None):
+        "Fail the test if the expression is true."
+        apply(self.assert_,(not expr,msg))
+    def assertRaises(self, excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Assert that an exception of class excClass is thrown
+           by callableObj when invoked with arguments args and keyword
+           arguments kwargs. If a different type of exception is
+           thrown, it will not be caught, and the test case will be
+           deemed to have suffered an error, exactly as for an
+           unexpected exception.
+        """
+        try:
+            apply(callableObj, args, kwargs)
+        except excClass:
+            return
+        else:
+            if hasattr(excClass,'__name__'): excName = excClass.__name__
+            else: excName = str(excClass)
+            raise AssertionError, excName
+    def assertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
+        """Assert that the two objects are equal as determined by the '=='
+           operator.
+        """
+        self.assert_((first == second), msg or '%s != %s' % (first, second))
+    def fail(self, msg=None):
+        """Fail immediately, with the given message."""
+        raise AssertionError, msg
+    def __exc_info(self):
+        """Return a version of sys.exc_info() with the traceback frame
+           minimised; usually the top level of the traceback frame is not
+           needed.
+        """
+        exctype, excvalue, tb = sys.exc_info()
+        newtb = tb.tb_next
+        if newtb is None:
+            return (exctype, excvalue, tb)
+        return (exctype, excvalue, newtb)
+class TestSuite:
+    """A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.
+    For use, create an instance of TestSuite, then add test case instances.
+    When all tests have been added, the suite can be passed to a test
+    runner, such as TextTestRunner. It will run the individual test cases
+    in the order in which they were added, aggregating the results. When
+    subclassing, do not forget to call the base class constructor.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tests=()):
+        self._tests = []
+        self.addTests(tests)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s tests=%s>" % (self.__class__, self._tests)
+    __str__ = __repr__
+    def countTestCases(self):
+        cases = 0
+        for test in self._tests:
+            cases = cases + test.countTestCases()
+        return cases
+    def addTest(self, test):
+        self._tests.append(test)
+    def addTests(self, tests):
+        for test in tests:
+            self.addTest(test)
+    def run(self, result):
+        return self(result)
+    def __call__(self, result):
+        for test in self._tests:
+            if result.shouldStop:
+                break
+            test(result)
+        return result
+    def debug(self):
+        """Run the tests without collecting errors in a TestResult"""
+        for test in self._tests: test.debug()
+class FunctionTestCase(TestCase):
+    """A test case that wraps a test function.
+    This is useful for slipping pre-existing test functions into the
+    PyUnit framework. Optionally, set-up and tidy-up functions can be
+    supplied. As with TestCase, the tidy-up ('tearDown') function will
+    always be called if the set-up ('setUp') function ran successfully.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, testFunc, setUp=None, tearDown=None,
+                 description=None):
+        TestCase.__init__(self)
+        self.__setUpFunc = setUp
+        self.__tearDownFunc = tearDown
+        self.__testFunc = testFunc
+        self.__description = description
+    def setUp(self):
+        if self.__setUpFunc is not None:
+            self.__setUpFunc()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        if self.__tearDownFunc is not None:
+            self.__tearDownFunc()
+    def runTest(self):
+        self.__testFunc()
+    def id(self):
+        return self.__testFunc.__name__
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s (%s)" % (self.__class__, self.__testFunc.__name__)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s testFunc=%s>" % (self.__class__, self.__testFunc)
+    def shortDescription(self):
+        if self.__description is not None: return self.__description
+        doc = self.__testFunc.__doc__
+        return doc and string.strip(string.split(doc, "\n")[0]) or None
+# Convenience functions
+def getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass, prefix, sortUsing=cmp):
+    """Extracts all the names of functions in the given test case class
+       and its base classes that start with the given prefix. This is used
+       by makeSuite().
+    """
+    testFnNames = filter(lambda n,p=prefix: n[:len(p)] == p,
+                         dir(testCaseClass))
+    for baseclass in testCaseClass.__bases__:
+        testFnNames = testFnNames + \
+                      getTestCaseNames(baseclass, prefix, sortUsing=None)
+    if sortUsing:
+        testFnNames.sort(sortUsing)
+    return testFnNames
+def makeSuite(testCaseClass, prefix='test', sortUsing=cmp, suiteClass=TestSuite):
+    """Returns a TestSuite instance built from all of the test functions
+       in the given test case class whose names begin with the given
+       prefix. The cases are sorted by their function names
+       using the supplied comparison function, which defaults to 'cmp'.
+    """
+    cases = map(testCaseClass,
+                getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass, prefix, sortUsing))
+    return suiteClass(cases)
+def findTestCases(module, prefix='test', sortUsing=cmp, suiteClass=TestSuite):
+    import types
+    tests = []
+    for name in dir(module):
+        obj = getattr(module, name)
+        if type(obj) == types.ClassType and issubclass(obj, TestCase):
+            tests.append(makeSuite(obj, prefix=prefix,
+                         sortUsing=sortUsing, suiteClass=suiteClass))
+    return suiteClass(tests)
+def createTestInstance(name, module=None, suiteClass=TestSuite):
+    """Finds tests by their name, optionally only within the given module.
+    Return the newly-constructed test, ready to run. If the name contains a ':'
+    then the portion of the name after the colon is used to find a specific
+    test case within the test case class named before the colon.
+    Examples:
+     findTest('examples.listtests.suite')
+        -- returns result of calling 'suite'
+     findTest('examples.listtests.ListTestCase:checkAppend')
+        -- returns result of calling ListTestCase('checkAppend')
+     findTest('examples.listtests.ListTestCase:check-')
+        -- returns result of calling makeSuite(ListTestCase, prefix="check")
+    """
+    spec = string.split(name, ':')
+    if len(spec) > 2: raise ValueError, "illegal test name: %s" % name
+    if len(spec) == 1:
+        testName = spec[0]
+        caseName = None
+    else:
+        testName, caseName = spec
+    parts = string.split(testName, '.')
+    if module is None:
+        if len(parts) < 2:
+            raise ValueError, "incomplete test name: %s" % name
+        constructor = __import__(string.join(parts[:-1],'.'))
+        parts = parts[1:]
+    else:
+        constructor = module
+    for part in parts:
+        constructor = getattr(constructor, part)
+    if not callable(constructor):
+        raise ValueError, "%s is not a callable object" % constructor
+    if caseName:
+        if caseName[-1] == '-':
+            prefix = caseName[:-1]
+            if not prefix:
+                raise ValueError, "prefix too short: %s" % name
+            test = makeSuite(constructor, prefix=prefix, suiteClass=suiteClass)
+        else:
+            test = constructor(caseName)
+    else:
+        test = constructor()
+    if not hasattr(test,"countTestCases"):
+        raise TypeError, \
+              "object %s found with spec %s is not a test" % (test, name)
+    return test
+# Text UI
+class _WritelnDecorator:
+    """Used to decorate file-like objects with a handy 'writeln' method"""
+    def __init__(self,stream):
+        self.stream = stream
+        if _isJPython:
+            import java.lang.System
+            self.linesep = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator")
+        else:
+            self.linesep = os.linesep
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        return getattr(self.stream,attr)
+    def writeln(self, *args):
+        if args: apply(self.write, args)
+        self.write(self.linesep)
+class _JUnitTextTestResult(TestResult):
+    """A test result class that can print formatted text results to a stream.
+    Used by JUnitTextTestRunner.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream):
+        self.stream = stream
+        TestResult.__init__(self)
+    def addError(self, test, error):
+        TestResult.addError(self,test,error)
+        self.stream.write('E')
+        self.stream.flush()
+        if error[0] is KeyboardInterrupt:
+            self.shouldStop = 1
+    def addFailure(self, test, error):
+        TestResult.addFailure(self,test,error)
+        self.stream.write('F')
+        self.stream.flush()
+    def startTest(self, test):
+        TestResult.startTest(self,test)
+        self.stream.write('.')
+        self.stream.flush()
+    def printNumberedErrors(self,errFlavour,errors):
+        if not errors: return
+        if len(errors) == 1:
+            self.stream.writeln("There was 1 %s:" % errFlavour)
+        else:
+            self.stream.writeln("There were %i %ss:" %
+                                (len(errors), errFlavour))
+        i = 1
+        for test,error in errors:
+            errString = string.join(apply(traceback.format_exception,error),"")
+            self.stream.writeln("%i) %s" % (i, test))
+            self.stream.writeln(errString)
+            i = i + 1
+    def printErrors(self):
+        self.printNumberedErrors("error",self.errors)
+    def printFailures(self):
+        self.printNumberedErrors("failure",self.failures)
+    def printHeader(self):
+        self.stream.writeln()
+        if self.wasSuccessful():
+            self.stream.writeln("OK (%i tests)" % self.testsRun)
+        else:
+            self.stream.writeln("!!!FAILURES!!!")
+            self.stream.writeln("Test Results")
+            self.stream.writeln()
+            self.stream.writeln("Run: %i ; Failures: %i ; Errors: %i" %
+                                (self.testsRun, len(self.failures),
+                                 len(self.errors)))
+    def printResult(self):
+        self.printHeader()
+        self.printErrors()
+        self.printFailures()
+class JUnitTextTestRunner:
+    """A test runner class that displays results in textual form.
+    The display format approximates that of JUnit's 'textui' test runner.
+    This test runner may be removed in a future version of PyUnit.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr):
+        self.stream = _WritelnDecorator(stream)
+    def run(self, test):
+        "Run the given test case or test suite."
+        result = _JUnitTextTestResult(self.stream)
+        startTime = time.time()
+        test(result)
+        stopTime = time.time()
+        self.stream.writeln()
+        self.stream.writeln("Time: %.3fs" % float(stopTime - startTime))
+        result.printResult()
+        return result
+# Verbose text UI
+class _VerboseTextTestResult(TestResult):
+    """A test result class that can print formatted text results to a stream.
+    Used by VerboseTextTestRunner.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream, descriptions):
+        TestResult.__init__(self)
+        self.stream = stream
+        self.lastFailure = None
+        self.descriptions = descriptions
+    def startTest(self, test):
+        TestResult.startTest(self, test)
+        if self.descriptions:
+            self.stream.write(test.shortDescription() or str(test))
+        else:
+            self.stream.write(str(test))
+        self.stream.write(" ... ")
+    def stopTest(self, test):
+        TestResult.stopTest(self, test)
+        if self.lastFailure is not test:
+            self.stream.writeln("ok")
+    def addError(self, test, err):
+        TestResult.addError(self, test, err)
+        self._printError("ERROR", test, err)
+        self.lastFailure = test
+        if err[0] is KeyboardInterrupt:
+            self.shouldStop = 1
+    def addFailure(self, test, err):
+        TestResult.addFailure(self, test, err)
+        self._printError("FAIL", test, err)
+        self.lastFailure = test
+    def _printError(self, flavour, test, err):
+        errLines = []
+        separator1 = "\t" + '=' * 70
+        separator2 = "\t" + '-' * 70
+        if not self.lastFailure is test:
+            self.stream.writeln()
+            self.stream.writeln(separator1)
+        self.stream.writeln("\t%s" % flavour)
+        self.stream.writeln(separator2)
+        for line in apply(traceback.format_exception, err):
+            for l in string.split(line,"\n")[:-1]:
+                self.stream.writeln("\t%s" % l)
+        self.stream.writeln(separator1)
+class VerboseTextTestRunner:
+    """A test runner class that displays results in textual form.
+    It prints out the names of tests as they are run, errors as they
+    occur, and a summary of the results at the end of the test run.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr, descriptions=1):
+        self.stream = _WritelnDecorator(stream)
+        self.descriptions = descriptions
+    def run(self, test):
+        "Run the given test case or test suite."
+        result = _VerboseTextTestResult(self.stream, self.descriptions)
+        startTime = time.time()
+        test(result)
+        stopTime = time.time()
+        timeTaken = float(stopTime - startTime)
+        self.stream.writeln("-" * 78)
+        run = result.testsRun
+        self.stream.writeln("Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" %
+                            (run, run > 1 and "s" or "", timeTaken))
+        self.stream.writeln()
+        if not result.wasSuccessful():
+            self.stream.write("FAILED (")
+            failed, errored = map(len, (result.failures, result.errors))
+            if failed:
+                self.stream.write("failures=%d" % failed)
+            if errored:
+                if failed: self.stream.write(", ")
+                self.stream.write("errors=%d" % errored)
+            self.stream.writeln(")")
+        else:
+            self.stream.writeln("OK")
+        return result
+# Which flavour of TextTestRunner is the default?
+TextTestRunner = VerboseTextTestRunner
+# Facilities for running tests from the command line
+class TestProgram:
+    """A command-line program that runs a set of tests; this is primarily
+       for making test modules conveniently executable.
+    """
+    USAGE = """\
+Usage: %(progName)s [-h|--help] [test[:(casename|prefix-)]] [...]
+  %(progName)s                               - run default set of tests
+  %(progName)s MyTestSuite                   - run suite 'MyTestSuite'
+  %(progName)s MyTestCase:checkSomething     - run MyTestCase.checkSomething
+  %(progName)s MyTestCase:check-             - run all 'check*' test methods
+                                               in MyTestCase
+    def __init__(self, module='__main__', defaultTest=None,
+                 argv=None, testRunner=None, suiteClass=TestSuite):
+        if type(module) == type(''):
+            self.module = __import__(module)
+            for part in string.split(module,'.')[1:]:
+                self.module = getattr(self.module, part)
+        else:
+            self.module = module
+        if argv is None:
+            argv = sys.argv
+        self.defaultTest = defaultTest
+        self.testRunner = testRunner
+        self.suiteClass = suiteClass
+        self.progName = os.path.basename(argv[0])
+        self.parseArgs(argv)
+        self.runTests()
+    def usageExit(self, msg=None):
+        if msg: print msg
+        print self.USAGE % self.__dict__
+        sys.exit(2)
+    def parseArgs(self, argv):
+        import getopt
+        try:
+            options, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'hH', ['help'])
+            opts = {}
+            for opt, value in options:
+                if opt in ('-h','-H','--help'):
+                    self.usageExit()
+            if len(args) == 0 and self.defaultTest is None:
+                self.test = findTestCases(self.module,
+                                          suiteClass=self.suiteClass)
+                return
+            if len(args) > 0:
+                self.testNames = args
+            else:
+                self.testNames = (self.defaultTest,)
+            self.createTests()
+        except getopt.error, msg:
+            self.usageExit(msg)
+    def createTests(self):
+        tests = []
+        for testName in self.testNames:
+            tests.append(createTestInstance(testName, self.module,
+                                            suiteClass=self.suiteClass))
+        self.test = self.suiteClass(tests)
+    def runTests(self):
+        if self.testRunner is None:
+            self.testRunner = TextTestRunner()
+        result = self.testRunner.run(self.test)
+        sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())    
+main = TestProgram
+# Executing this module from the command line
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(module=None)