[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - LOGGING.txt:

Brian Lloyd brian@digiciool.com
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 14:17:51 -0500 (EST)

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/doc
In directory korak:/home/brian/temp/zope-23-branch/doc

Modified Files:
      Tag: zope-2_3-branch
Log Message:
fix for bug #2028

--- Updated File LOGGING.txt in package Zope2 --
--- LOGGING.txt	2000/06/30 01:35:56	1.3
+++ LOGGING.txt	2001/03/08 19:17:14
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
    It is not very smart about it - it just dumps it to a file and the
    format is not very configurable - hence the name.
-  ZSYSLOG="anything"
+  ZSYSLOG="/dev/log"
    Setting this environment variable will cause Zope to try and write
-   to the '/dev/log' UNIX domain socket.  This will only work on UNIX, 
-   and only if your syslogd domain socket is named /dev/log.
+   to the named UNIX domain socket (usually '/dev/log').  This will only 
+   work on UNIX.