[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope2 - PathIndex.txt:

andreas@serenade.digicool.com andreas@serenade.digicool.com
Wed, 30 May 2001 09:52:29 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope2/lib/python/Products/PluginIndexes/PathIndex
In directory serenade:/tmp/cvs-serv20866

Added Files:
      Tag: ajung-dropin-registry
Log Message:

--- Added File PathIndex.txt in package Zope2 ---
he purpose of a PathIndex is to index Zope objects
based on their physical path. This is very similiar
to a substring search on strings.
 How it works
   Assume we have to index an object with id=xxx and
   the physical path '/zoo/animals/africa/tiger.doc'.
   We split the path into its components and keep track
   of the level of every component. Inside the index we
   store pairs(component,level) and the ids of the
        (component,level)     id of document
           ('zoo',0)           xxx
           ('animals',1)       xxx
           ('africa',2)        xxx
   Note that we do not store the id of the objects itself
   inside the path index.
  Searching with the PathIndex
   The PathIndex allows you to search for all object ids
   whose objects match a physical path query. The query
   is split into components and matched against the index.
   E.g. '/zoo/animals' will match in the example above
   but not '/zoo1/animals'. The default behaviour is to
   start matching at level 0. To start matching on another
   level on can specify an additional level parameter
   (see API)

   'query' -- A single or list of Path component(s) to 
   be searched.

   'level' -- level to start searching (optional,default: 0). 
   If level=-1 we search through all levels.
   'operator' -- either 'or' or 'and' (optional, default: 'or')
    Objects with the following ids and physical path should
    be stored in the ZCatalog 'MyCAT'::
       id         physical path
       1          /aa/bb/aa/1.txt
       2          /aa/bb/bb/2.txt
       3          /aa/bb/cc/3.txt
       4          /bb/bb/aa/4.txt
       5          /bb/bb/bb/5.txt
       6          /bb/bb/cc/6.txt
       7          /cc/bb/aa/7.txt
       8          /cc/bb/bb/8.txt
       9          /cc/bb/cc/9.txt
     Query                        found ids
     query='/aa/bb',level=0        [1,2,3]
     query='/bb/bb',level=0        [4,5,6]
     query='/bb/bb',level=1        [2,5,8]
     query='/bb/bb',level=-1       [2,4,5,6,8]
     query='/xx'   ,level=-1       []