[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help - math.py:1.1 random.py:1.1 sequence.py:1.1 string.py:1.1 dtml-funcs.stx:1.9 dtml-math.stx:NONE dtml-random.stx:NONE dtml-sequence.stx:NONE dtml-string.stx:NONE

Amos Latteier amos@zope.com
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 20:37:09 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13009

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	math.py random.py sequence.py string.py 
Removed Files:
	dtml-math.stx dtml-random.stx dtml-sequence.stx 
Log Message:
Converted math, random, string, and sequence module documentation to API help, from dtml help. This change reflects the fact that you can use these modules from Python-based scripts and page templates as well as from DTML.

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/math.py ===
math: Python 'math' module

  The 'math' module provides trigonometric and other math
  functions. It is a standard Python module.

  Since Zope 2.4 requires Python 2.1, make sure to consult the Python
  2.1 documentation.

  See Also

    "Python 'math'
    documentation at Python.org

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/random.py ===
random: Python 'random' module

  The 'random' module provides pseudo-random number functions. With
  it, you can generate random numbers and select random elements from
  sequences. This module is a standard Python module.

  Since Zope 2.4 requires Python 2.1, make sure to consult the Python
  2.1 documentation.

  See Also

    "Python 'random'
    documentation at Python.org

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/sequence.py ===
sequence: Sequence sorting module

  This module provides a 'sort' function for use with DTML, Page
  Templates, and Python-based Scripts.

def sort(seq, sort):
    Sort the sequence *seq* of objects by the optional sort schema
    *sort*.  *sort* is a sequence of tuples '(key, func, direction)'
    that describe the sort order.

    key -- Attribute of the object to be sorted.
    func -- Defines the compare function (optional).  Allowed values:
      "cmp" -- Standard Python comparison function

      "nocase" -- Case-insensitive comparison

      "strcoll" or "locale" -- Locale-aware string comparison

      "strcoll_nocase" or "locale_nocase" -- Locale-aware
      case-insensitive string comparison
      other -- A specified, user-defined comparison function, should
      return 1, 0, -1.

      direction -- defines the sort direction for the key (optional).
      (allowed values: "asc", "desc")

    DTML Examples
      Sort child object (using the 'objectValues' method) by id (using
      the 'getId' method), ignoring case::

        <dtml-in expr="_.sequence.sort(objectValues(),
                                       (('getId', 'nocase'),))">
          <dtml-var getId> <br>

      Sort child objects by title (ignoring case) and date (from newest
      to oldest)::

        <dtml-in expr="_.sequence.sort(objectValues(),
                                       (('title', 'nocase'),
                                        'cmp', 'desc')
          <dtml-var title> <dtml-var bobobase_modification_time> <br>

    Page Template Examples

      You can use the 'sequence.sort' function in Python expressions
      to sort objects. Here's an example that mirrors the DTML example

        <table tal:define="objects here/objectValues;
                           sort_on python:(('title', 'nocase', 'asc'),
                                           ('bobobase_modification_time', 'cmp', 'desc'));
                           sorted_objects python:sequence.sort(objects, sort_on)">
          <tr tal:repeat="item sorted_objects">
            <td tal:content="item/title">title</td>
            <td tal:content="item/bobobase_modification_time">
              modification date</td>  

      This example iterates over a sorted list of object, drawing a
      table row for each object. The objects are sorted by title and
      modification time.

    See Also

      "Python cmp function":http://www.python.org/doc/lib/built-in-funcs.html

=== Added File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/string.py ===
string: Python 'string' module

  The 'string' module provides string manipulation, conversion, and
  searching functions. It is a standard Python module.

  Since Zope 2.4 requires Python 2.1, make sure to consult the Python
  2.1 documentation.

  See Also

    "Python 'string'
    documentation at Python.org

=== Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/dtml-funcs.stx 1.8 => 1.9 ===
   See Also
-    "'string' module":dtml-string.stx
+    "'string' module":string.py
-    "'random' module":dtml-random.stx
+    "'random' module":random.py
-    "'math' module":dtml-math.stx
+    "'math' module":math.py
-    "'sequence' module":dtml-sequence.stx
+    "'sequence' module":sequence.py
     "Built-in Python Functions":http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/built-in-funcs.html

=== Removed File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/dtml-math.stx ===

=== Removed File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/dtml-random.stx ===

=== Removed File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/dtml-sequence.stx ===

=== Removed File Zope/lib/python/Products/OFSP/help/dtml-string.stx ===