[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Workflow/doc - WorkflowSprintNotes.txt:

Paul Everitt paul@zope.com
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 04:02:26 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Workflow/doc
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv19885/doc

Added Files:
      Tag: Zope-3x-branch
Log Message:
Notes from Saarbrucken sprint

=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/App/Workflow/doc/WorkflowSprintNotes.txt ===

Workflow Sprint

  Dates were Mar 4-6.  Attendees were Alastair Burt, Florent
  Guillaume, Vincenzo di Somma, Daniele Tarini, Tres Seaver, Paul


  o Bootstrapping (getting CVS setup, etc.)

  o Planning game

  o Lunch

  o Zope3 tutorial

  o Task signup

  o Pairing


  o Workflow architecture proposal

  o Exploratory code for architecture


  o WorkflowShepherdWritesProposal

    - IWorkflowDefinition

  o SiteManagerConfiguresWorkflowEnactmentService

    - Global/placeless

    - Placeful

  o WorkflowDesignerCreatedProcessDefinition

  o WorkflowDeveloperImplementsProcessDefinition (import?)

  o SiteManagerInstallsProcessDefinition

  o SiteManagerIntegratesWorkflowService

  o WorkflowDeveloerTestsProcessDefinition

  o ExternalProcessInitiatesWorkflowAction

  o WorkflowEngineInitiatesRemoteProcessInst

  o UserInitiatesWorkflowActivity

  o UserQueriesWorklist

  o UserCompletesActivity

  o SiteManagerQueriesAggregatedHistory


  Started with configuration.

  (Tres) This sprint model came out of a desire to do XP, but only for
  a short period of time.  The first when at ZC in Nov was less than a
  week.  How to do XP for just a short period of time?  Worked pretty
  well.  XP worked and Zope3 got started.

  Third goal became to open the base of people contributing to Zope3.
  This includes growing leadership.

  Some sprints are topic-focused.  They need to focus on an achievable
  goal, a small step, rather than trying to accomplish too much.  Thus
  planning is important to make sure something important but
  realistically accomplishable is targetted.

  For this sprint, a document needs to describe the workflow
  architecture.  Hopefully, people in the room will take over the
  leadership of workflow in Zope3.

  Classic XP says the customer needs to be in the room.  We have to
  pretend to proxy for the customer.  So we need a mental image of the
  customer.  Who will that be?

  Tres speculates that, in OpenFlow, the site manager is the workflow

  (Daniele).  The life of a process instance is connected to the
  content, but also to resources outside.  That is, there is content
  in the process instance as well as the item moving through the

  (Vincenzo) Usually you put in the process instance what is called
  "workflow relevant data".  Every other object or information you
  want to store, you are free to use the process instance.

  (Tres) In the CMF, a workflow is bound to a piece of content.  The
  idea is that the workflow itself, all objects of the same content
  type share a process definition (a "workflow").  The data you track
  in a process instance can be stored in a number of ways, like
  stashing it in the content instance.  *Note*: in the CMF
  architecture, there isn't really a process instance.

  (Florent) First, they didn't want strict association of content type
  to workflow.  Not flexible enough.  They changed to workflow tool.
  A workflow aware object is consulted by the workflow tool.  It can
  add or remove steps.  Second, they are working on non-local
  workflows.  If you have a resource deep in a tree, workflow managers
  can be stored in a parent rather than a content type.

  Acronym alert!  PI is *process instance*.  PD is *process

  Tres wrote up agreement on jargon between CMF and OpenFlow:

    o workflow == process definition

    o monitor events == process instance

  There was a discussion about the object hub and the event channel,
  what they are, and how they might impact workflow for Zope 3.

  Back to workflow customer.  The site manager has to be able to
  configure workflows or PD and make sure that all policies are moved
  into configuration files.  The developer has to design applications
  that are workflow aware.

  Paul asks if the audience of workflow implentors is valid?  That is,
  besides the basic idea of Zope 3 to allow multiple implementations
  of an interface, should this project do extra work to address this
  audience?  Will there be extra use cases if there is more than one
  workflow engine used in a site?  The consensus seems to be that no
  special work will be needed for this audience.

  Decision: two main audiences are site managers and component
Interfaces (derived from OpenFlow, might change)

  o IWorkflowService

  o IWorkflowProcessInstance

  o IWorkflowProcessDefinition

  o IWorkflowActivity

  o IWorkflowTransition

  o IWorkflowWorkItem


  o objectCreation

  o objectDestruction

  o objectRename/Move

  o objectModification

  o objectExpiration?

  o timeTick

  o userRoleModification

    - scheduled

  o workflowActionBegin

  o workflowActionComplete

  o workflowActionSuspended

  o workflowItemAssign

  o WPIActivated

  o WPITerminated

  o WPICompleted

  o WPISuspended

UI Synthesis

  o listObjectActions -> [ActivityInfo]

  o listUserActions -> [ActivityInfo]


    o getID()

    o getCategory()

    o getTitle()

    o getDescription()

    o getActionURL()

    o getPermission()

    o getRole()

    o getCondition()

    o getSource()

      - kickdown to work item, transition, etc.


  o Shared understanding of OpenFlow and DCWorkflow.

  o Bootstrap more people for Zope 3.

  o Establish leadership for Zope 3 workflow.

  o Proposal for workflow in Zope 3.

Lessons Learned

  o Try to get people setup with contributor forms and writeable
  checkouts (with correct Python etc.) beforehand.

  o Remind people about the convention of XXX in comments.

  o When doing a build, rm the .so and .o files.

  o Should we buy a wireless hub with 4 fast ethernet ports?

  o Update tutorial presentation, wiki pages, etc. to point out the
  mailing lists that people should subscribe to

  o Mention the tkinter pyunit