[Zope-Checkins] Re: CVS: Zope/skel/bin - runzope.in: zopectl.in:

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
06 Feb 2003 13:46:15 -0500

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 13:19, R. David Murray wrote:
> Via a config file, of course <grin>.  The master config has a line
> that defines 'all' to be a list of instance homes. It also provides
> default settings that individual instance home configs can override.
> Most of my instance home configs are thus two or three lines at
> most.  The name all is actually arbitrary, so you could just as
> well define 'production' to be the list of production sites.  In my
> script there is one and only one directory that contains instance
> home directories, which is something I'd change if I rewrote it.
> But it does allow me to just list the instances by name instead of path.

This sounds like a layer on top of what will exist, e.g.

for ih in /zope1 /zope2 /zope3; do
   zopectl -C $ih/etc/zope.conf  "$@"

> For me, having the master script in my PATH and telling it the name
> or path of the instace is (slightly) less typing than calling the
> instance's bin script.  If that works, and if instance zope.conf
> files hold overrides of a higher level config, then I'll be happy.

The only thing that appears to be missing here is the concept of a
"higher level config".  That said, each instance config file can
"%include" (via ZConfig) most of the typical stock parameters and
specialize only where necessary.

- C