[Zope-Checkins] CVS: ZODB3/BDBStorage/tests - test_autopack.py:

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at zope.com
Wed Sep 10 13:32:49 EDT 2003

Update of /cvs-repository/ZODB3/BDBStorage/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11973/BDBStorage/tests

Modified Files:
      Tag: ZODB3-3_2-branch
Log Message:
Remove RaceCondtion tests on Barry's instructions:

    Those tests (and the supporting code) should be removed.  They
    can't possibly pass given the 3.1 code.  Make it look like 3.1. :)

=== ZODB3/BDBStorage/tests/test_autopack.py => ===
--- ZODB3/BDBStorage/tests/test_autopack.py:	Tue Sep  9 18:35:37 2003
+++ ZODB3/BDBStorage/tests/test_autopack.py	Wed Sep 10 12:32:48 2003
@@ -271,126 +271,6 @@
-class RaceConditionBase(BerkeleyTestBase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        BerkeleyTestBase.setUp(self)
-        self._cv = threading.Condition()
-        self._storage.cv = self._cv
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # clean up any outstanding transactions
-        get_transaction().abort()
-        BerkeleyTestBase.tearDown(self)
-    def _getPackThread(self, storage):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def testRaceCondition(self):
-        unless = self.failUnless
-        storage = self._storage
-        db = DB(storage)
-        conn = db.open()
-        root = conn.root()
-        # Start by storing a root reachable object.
-        obj1 = C()
-        obj1.value = 888
-        root.obj1 = obj1
-        txn = get_transaction()
-        txn.note('root -> obj1')
-        txn.commit()
-        # Now, start a transaction, store an object, but don't yet complete
-        # the transaction.  This will ensure that the second object has a tid
-        # < packtime, but it won't be root reachable yet.
-        obj2 = C()
-        t = Transaction()
-        storage.tpc_begin(t)
-        obj2sn = storage.store('\0'*7 + '\2', ZERO, zodb_pickle(obj2), '', t)
-        # Now, acquire the condvar lock and start a thread that will do a
-        # pack, up to the _sweep call.  Wait for the _mark() call to
-        # complete.
-        now = time.time()
-        while now == time.time():
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-        self._cv.acquire()
-        packthread = self._getPackThread(storage)
-        packthread.start()
-        self._cv.wait()
-        # Now that the _mark() has finished, complete the transaction, which
-        # links the object to root.
-        root.obj2 = obj2
-        rootsn = storage.getSerial(ZERO)
-        rootsn = storage.store(ZERO, rootsn, zodb_pickle(root), '', t)
-        storage.tpc_vote(t)
-        storage.tpc_finish(t)
-        # And notify the pack thread that it can do the sweep and collect
-        self._cv.notify()
-        self._cv.wait()
-        # We're done with the condvar and the thread
-        self._cv.release()
-        packthread.join()
-        # Now make sure that all the interesting objects are still available
-        rootsn = storage.getSerial(ZERO)
-        obj1sn = storage.getSerial('\0'*7 + '\1')
-        obj2sn = storage.getSerial('\0'*7 + '\2')
-        # obj1 revision was written before the second revision of the root
-        unless(obj1sn < rootsn)
-        unless(rootsn == obj2sn)
-        unless(obj1sn < obj2sn)
-    def testEarlierRaceCondition(self):
-        unless = self.failUnless
-        storage = self._storage
-        db = DB(storage)
-        conn = db.open()
-        root = conn.root()
-        # Start by storing a root reachable object.
-        obj1 = C()
-        obj1.value = 888
-        root.obj1 = obj1
-        txn = get_transaction()
-        txn.note('root -> obj1')
-        txn.commit()
-        # Now, start a transaction, store an object, but don't yet complete
-        # the transaction.  This will ensure that the second object has a tid
-        # < packtime, but it won't be root reachable yet.
-        obj2 = C()
-        t = Transaction()
-        storage.tpc_begin(t)
-        # Now, acquire the condvar lock and start a thread that will do a
-        # pack, up to the _sweep call.  Wait for the _mark() call to
-        # complete.
-        now = time.time()
-        while now == time.time():
-            time.sleep(0.1)
-        self._cv.acquire()
-        packthread = self._getPackThread(storage)
-        packthread.start()
-        self._cv.wait()
-        obj2sn = storage.store('\0'*7 + '\2', ZERO, zodb_pickle(obj2), '', t)
-        # Now that the _mark() has finished, complete the transaction, which
-        # links the object to root.
-        root.obj2 = obj2
-        rootsn = storage.getSerial(ZERO)
-        rootsn = storage.store(ZERO, rootsn, zodb_pickle(root), '', t)
-        storage.tpc_vote(t)
-        storage.tpc_finish(t)
-        # And notify the pack thread that it can do the sweep and collect
-        self._cv.notify()
-        self._cv.wait()
-        # We're done with the condvar and the thread
-        self._cv.release()
-        packthread.join()
-        # Now make sure that all the interesting objects are still available
-        rootsn = storage.getSerial(ZERO)
-        obj1sn = storage.getSerial('\0'*7 + '\1')
-        obj2sn = storage.getSerial('\0'*7 + '\2')
-        # obj1 revision was written before the second revision of the root
-        unless(obj1sn < rootsn)
-        unless(rootsn == obj2sn)
-        unless(obj1sn < obj2sn)
 # Subclass which does ugly things to _dopack so we can actually test the race
 # condition.  We need to store a new object in the database between the
 # _mark() call and the _sweep() call.
@@ -524,13 +404,6 @@
         self._storage.pack(time.time(), referencesf)
-class TestMinimalClassicPackRaceCondition(RaceConditionBase):
-    ConcreteStorage = SynchronizedMinimalStorage
-    def _getPackThread(self, storage):
-        return MinimalPackThread(storage)
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
@@ -539,8 +412,6 @@
-        suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestFullClassicPackRaceCondition))
-        suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestMinimalClassicPackRaceCondition))
     return suite

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