[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/five-integration/setup.py tweak setup order

Brian Lloyd brian at zope.com
Wed Mar 16 11:00:16 EST 2005

Log message for revision 29510:
  tweak setup order

  U   Zope/branches/five-integration/setup.py

Modified: Zope/branches/five-integration/setup.py
--- Zope/branches/five-integration/setup.py	2005-03-16 15:47:33 UTC (rev 29509)
+++ Zope/branches/five-integration/setup.py	2005-03-16 16:00:15 UTC (rev 29510)
@@ -1081,7 +1081,21 @@
+    name='Five',
+    author='Martijn Faassen',
+    packages=['Products.Five', 'Products.Five.tests'],
+    data_files=[['Products/Five', ['Products/Five/*']],
+                ['Products/Five/demo', ['Products/Five/demo/*']],
+                ['Products/Five/doc', ['Products/Five/doc/*']],
+                ['Products/Five/skel', ['Products/Five/skel/*']],
+                ['Products/Five/tests', ['Products/Five/tests/*']],
+                ],
+    )
 # Zope 3 / Five integration layer support. Note that in addition to the
 # Five package itself, we also pull in several modules from the Zope 3
 # heirarchy: zope, persistent, transaction. Most of this is ripped from
@@ -1280,24 +1294,9 @@
-#    name='Five',
-#    author='Martijn Faassen',
-#    packages=['Products.Five'],
-#    data_files=[['Products/Five', ['Products/Five/*']],
-#                ['Products/Five/demo', ['Products/Five/demo/*']],
-#                ['Products/Five/doc', ['Products/Five/doc/*']],
-#                ['Products/Five/skel', ['Products/Five/skel/*']],
-#                ['Products/Five/tests', ['Products/Five/tests/*']],
-#                ],
-#    )
 # Call distutils setup with all lib/python packages and modules, and
 # flush setup_info.  Wondering why we run py_modules separately?  So am I.
 # Distutils won't let us specify packages and py_modules in the same call.

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