[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ removed deprecated zLOG module

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Thu Jun 8 13:15:12 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 68528:
  removed deprecated zLOG module

  U   Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt
  D   Zope/trunk/lib/python/zLOG/

Modified: Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt
--- Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt	2006-06-08 17:08:43 UTC (rev 68527)
+++ Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt	2006-06-08 17:15:12 UTC (rev 68528)
@@ -14,361 +14,13 @@
      to the rules for such a type laid out in the Python docs:
-  Zope 2.10.0 beta 2 (unreleased)
+  Trunk  (unreleased)
-    Bugs Fixed
-      - Acquisition wrappers now correctly proxy __contains__.
-      - Collector #2116: sequence.sort() did not work properly
-        locale related comparison methods
-  Zope 2.10.0 beta 1 (2006/05/30)
-      - Zope 2.10+ now includes site.zcml as part of its instance 
-        creation skel directory.  As a consequence Five now requires 
-        this file to exist in every instance.  If upgrading a site 
-        from Zope 2.9 to 2.10, you will need to copy site.zcml and 
-        package-includes/ from your installed Zope installation 
-        location (skel/etc/) into the etc/ directory of your upgraded 
-        instance.
-        The rationale for requiring this new file is to bring Zope 2 
-        instances closer in consistency to Zope 3 instances.  It also 
-        eases use of Zope 3 coding techniques in Zope 2 and removes 
-        some confusion when trying to run pure Zope 3 applications on 
-        Zope 2.
+      - removed zLOG module which was deprecated since Zope 2.9
-      - Products.PageTemplates now uses the Zope 3 ZPT implementation
-        in zope.pagetemplate.
-      - The TAL package has been deprecated in favour of the TAL
-        engine from zope.tal.
-      - Products.PageTemplates.TALES has been deprecated in favour of
-        the TALES engine from zope.tales.
-      - ZTUtils.Iterator has been deprecated in favour of the TALES
-        iterator implementation in zope.tales.tales.
-      - ZCatalog: removed manage_deleteIndex(), manage_delColumns()
-        which were deprecated since Zope 2.4
-      - deprecated the zLOG module. Use Pythons 'logging' module instead.
-      - replaced all zLOG occurences (expect the zLOG module itself) with 
-        the 'logging' module
-      - PluginIndexes/TextIndex is deprecated. Use ZCTextIndex instead
-      - the 'StructuredText' module is deprecated. Use zope.structuredtext
-        instead
-      - removed ZopeTutorial (Elvis is now really dead)
-      - ZClasses are deprecated and should no longer be used. In addition
-        any code related to the ZClasses (re)distribution mechanism is
-        removed.
-      - ZGadyFlyDA/Gadfly is deprecated
-      - deprecated OFS.content_types (to be removed in Zope 2.11) and
-        replaced all occurences with zope.app.content_types 
-      - OFS.content_types: moved code to zope.app.content_types and added
-        method aliases
-      - Using FastCGI is offically deprecated.
     Features added
-      - Included Zope 3.3 and corresponding Five 1.5 release.
-      - There is now a default favicon.ico.
-      - Experimental WSGI and Twisted support for http.
-        Zope now has a WSGI interface for integration with other
-        web-servers than ZServer. Most notably Twisted is supported.
-        The WSGI application is ZPublisher.WSGIPublisher.publish_module
-        You can make ZServer use the twisted interface with the 
-        "use-wsgi on" keyword in the http-server section in zope.conf.
-        You can run Twisted by installing Twisted (2.1 recommended) and
-        replacing the http-server section with a server section in 
-        zope.conf. It is not possible to run a Twisted server together with
-        a ZServer at the same time.
-          <server>
-            address 8080
-            type Zope2-HTTP
-          </server>
-        WSGI: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/
-        Twisted: http://twistedmatrix.com/
-      - The traversal has been refactored to take heed of Zope3s 
-        IPublishTraverse adapter interfaces. The ZCML directives 
-        five:traversable and five:defaultViewable are therefore no
-        longer needed, as everything now is five:traversable and
-        five:defaultViewable. 
-        There was a bug in earlier versions of Five that allowed you 
-        to do custom publishing traversal with ITraversable adapters.
-        This bug has been corrected. Anybody using ITraversable 
-        adapters need to convert them to IPublishTraversal adapters.
-      - Testing.makerequest: Added an 'environ' argument so
-        clients can use mappings other than os.environ.
-      - Updated to Docutils 0.4.0 
-      - reStructuredText: The default value for the 'stylesheet'
-        property has been changed from 'default.css' to None because
-        there is no 'default.css' file by default. 
-      - ZReST: rewritten render() method to integrate it smoothly
-        with Docutils 0.4.0. The default value for the 'stylesheet'
-        property has been changed from 'default.css' to None because
-        there is no 'default.css' file by default. 
-      - Added a "clock server" servertype which allows users to
-        configure methods that should be called periodically as if
-        they were being called by a remote user agent on one of Zope's
-        HTTP ports.  This is meant to replace wget+cron for some class
-        of periodic callables.
-        To use, create a "clock-server" directive section anywhere
-        in your zope.conf file, like so:
-         <clock-server>
-            method /do_stuff
-            period 60
-            user admin
-            password 123
-            host localhost
-         </clock-server>
-        Any number of clock-server sections may be defined within a
-        single zope.conf.  Note that you must specify a
-        username/password combination with the appropriate level of
-        access to call the method you've defined.  You can omit the
-        username and password if the method is anonymously callable.
-        Obviously the password is stored in the clear in the config
-        file, so you need to protect the config file with filesystem
-        security if the Zope account is privileged and those who have
-        filesystem access should not see the password.
-        Descriptions of the values within the clock-server section
-        follow::
-          method -- the traversal path (from the Zope root) to an
-          executable Zope method (Python Script, external method,
-          product method, etc).  The method must take no arguments or
-          must obtain its arguments from a query string.
-          period -- the number of seconds between each clock "tick" (and
-          thus each call to the above "method").  The lowest number
-          providable here is typically 30 (this is the asyncore mainloop
-          "timeout" value).
-          user -- a zope username.
-          password -- the password for the zope username provided above.
-          host -- the hostname passed in via the "Host:" header in the
-          faux request.  Could be useful if you have virtual host rules
-          set up inside Zope itself.
-        To make sure the clock is working, examine your Z2.log file.  It
-        should show requests incoming via a "Zope Clock Server"
-        useragent.
-      - Added a 'conflict-error-log-level' directive to zope.conf, to set
-        the level at which conflict errors (which are normally retried
-        automatically) are logged. The default is 'info'.
-      - The SiteErrorLog now copies exceptions to the event log by default.
-      - ObjectManager now has an hasObject method to test presence. This
-        brings it in line with BTreeFolder.
-      - Improved logging of ConflictErrors. All conflict errors are
-        logged at INFO, with counts of how many occurred and how many
-        were resolved. Tracebacks for all conflicts are logged a DEBUG
-        level, although these won't help anyone much. If a conflict
-        error is unresolved, it will now bubble up to error_log and
-        standard_error_message.
-      - Use new-style security declarations everywhere possible. This
-        means remove the use of __ac_permissions__, foo__roles__ and
-        default__class_init__. A few corner cases can't be converted
-        because of circular imports.
-      - Fixed unclear security declarations. Warn when an attempt is
-        made to have a security declaration on a nonexistent method.
-      - updated to ZPL 2.1
-      - interfaces: Added 'Interfaces' tab to basic core objects.
-        This is a Five feature and only available if the classes are made
-        five:traversable. It allows to inspect interfaces and to assign
-        marker interfaces through the ZMI.
-      - webdav: Added support for the z3 WriteLock interface.
-        It is no longer necessary to have the WriteLockInterface in the
-        __implements__ list of lockable objects. All classes inheriting from
-        LockableItem inherit also the IWriteLock interface. Note that this
-        enables webdav locking for all subclasses by default even if they
-        don't specify the WriteLockInterface explicitly.
-      - App ProductContext: Made registerClass aware of z3 interfaces.
-        Z2 and z3 interfaces are registered side by side in the same tuple in
-        Products.meta_types. IFAwareObjectManagers like the ZCatalog work now
-        with z3 interfaces as well.
-      - Zope now sends Zope 3 events when objects are added or removed
-        from standard containers. manage_afterAdd, manage_beforeDelete
-        and manage_afterClone are now deprecated. See
-        lib/python/Products/Five/tests/event.txt for details.
-      - Zope now utilizes ZODB 3.6.  It had previously used
-        ZODB 3.4.  As a result, the DBTab package was removed, as
-        ZODB 3.6 has multidatabase support that makes DBTab
-        unnecessary.
-      - Added a 'product-config' section type to zope.conf, allowing
-        arbitrary key-value mappings.  Products can look for such
-        confgiurations to set product-specific options.  Products mwy
-        also register their own section types, extending the
-        'zope.product.base' type. (see the example '<product-config>'
-        section in skel/etc/zope.conf.in for sample usage).
-      - Collector #1490: Added a new zope.conf option to control the
-        character set used to encode unicode data that reaches
-        ZPublisher without any specified encoding.
-      - AccessControl, Acquisition, App, OFS, webdav, PluginIndexes,
-        ZCatalog and ZCTextIndex: Added some Zope 3 style interfaces.
-        This makes the bridged interfaces shipped with Five obsolete.
-      - ZConfig extension, address now also accepts symbolic port names
-        from etc/services (unix) or etc\services (win32)
-      - ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.FileUpload now supports full file
-        object interface.  This means Iterator support was added. (for
-        line in fileobject: ..., as well as fileobject.next() and
-        fileobject.xreadlines() ) Collector #1837
-      - Switched the bundled Zope 3 to release 3.2 and upgraded the
-        Five product to version 1.3 (see Products/Five/CHANGES.txt).
-      - The PageTemplate implementation now uses Zope 3 message
-        catalogs by default for translation.  Old-style translation
-        services such as Localizer or PlacelessTranslationService are
-        still supported as fall-backs.  See Products/Five/doc/i18n.txt
-        for more information.
-      - Switched to the new improved test runner from Zope 3.  Run
-        test.py with -h to find out more.
-      - lib/python/docutils is now a reference to docutils package
-        from the Zope 3 source tree (to get rid of redundant packages)
     Bugs Fixed
-      - Collector #1447: When editing content on a virtual-hosted zope,
-        AcceleratedHTTPCacheManager now purges the correct URL.
-      - When you add roles in manage_access, roles are now stripped of
-        any leading or trailing spaces.
-      - Collector #2062: Fix manage_historyCopy, which was broken, and write
-        tests for it.
-      - Collector #2061: Fix problems where windows line endings are passed
-        to restricted code compilers.
-      - Collector #2051: Applied patch by Yoshinori Okuji to fix some
-        XML export/import problems, including tests for that feature.
-      - Collector #2037: fixed broken ACTUAL_URL for '/'
-      - Missing import of NotFound in webdav.Resource
-      - Collector #1819: fixed method signature of
-        MountedObject.SimpleTrailblazer._construct()
-      - Collector #2019: removed validateValue() from cAccessControl (already
-        removed in former Zope versions from the AccessControl Python
-        implementation)
-      - Collector #1991: ZPublisher did not deal properly with a trailing
-        %20 in the URL
-      - zope.app.introspector was not included with the source archive
-      - Collector #2013: improved XHTML conformance of error messages,
-        some of which did not close '<p>' tags.
-      - Collector #2002: fixed broken 'ls -R' functionality (didn't
-        recurse properly subclasses of OFS.Folder)
-      - Collector #1992: unified the visible hostnames of the FTP and
-        HTTP servers
-      - Collector #1999: fixed broken FTP rename functionality
-        (RNFR now returns 350 as status code instead 250)
-      - HTTPResponse: for XML content the encoding specified within
-        the XML preamble is adjusted to the real encoding of the content
-        as specified through the 'charset' within the content-type
-        property.
-      - Collector #1939: When running as a service, Zope could
-        potentially collect too much log output filling the NT Event
-        Log. When that happened, a 'print' during exception handling
-        would cause an IOError in the restart code causing the service
-        not to restart automatically.
-        Problem is that a service/pythonw.exe process *always* has an
-        invalid sys.stdout.  But due to the magic of buffering, small
-        "print" statements would not fail - but once the file actually
-        got written to, the error happened.  Never a problem when
-        debugging, as the process has a console, and hence a valid
-        stdout.
-      - For content-type HTTP headers starting with 'text/' or 'application/'
-        the 'charset' field is automatically if not specified by the
-        application. The 'charset' is determined by the content-type header
-        specified by the application (if available) or from the
-        zpublisher_default_encoding value as configured in etc/zope.conf
-      - Collector #1976: FTP STOR command would load the file being
-        uploaded in memory. Changed to use a TemporaryFile.
-      - OFS ObjectManager: Fixed list_imports() to tolerate missing
-        import directories.
-      - Collector #1621, 1894:  Removed support for use of long-deprecated
-        'whrandom' module.
-      - OFS PropertySheets / webdav: Fixed dav__resourcetype.
-        __dav_collection__ with a false value was overridden by
-        isAnObjectManager.
-      - added missing Zope 3 imports: zope.app.intid, zope.app.keyreference, 
-        zope.app.session, zope.contentprovider, zope.viewlet
-    Other
-      - AccessControl.User: Use a better __repr__.
-      - ZSQLMethod.manage_main: Moved the error message that warns of a
-        non-existing or closed database connection next to the Connection ID
-        dropdown and present it using red to increase its visibility.
-      - The ImageFile module has finally been deprecated for good and
-        will be removed in Zope 2.11.  Use App.ImageFile instead.

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