[Zope-Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ Removed the last remaining code to support `SOFTWARE_HOME` and `ZOPE_HOME`.

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Sun Jul 3 11:19:22 EDT 2011

Log message for revision 122084:
  Removed the last remaining code to support `SOFTWARE_HOME` and `ZOPE_HOME`.

  U   Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/Extensions.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/FindHomes.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/ImageFile.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/config.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/special_dtml.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py
  D   Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_Extensions.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_setConfiguration.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py
  U   Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/ENVIRONMENT.txt
  U   Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/TIMELINES.txt
  U   Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/datatypes.py

Modified: Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst
--- Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/doc/CHANGES.rst	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
+- Removed the last remaining code to support `SOFTWARE_HOME` and `ZOPE_HOME`.
 - Removed ZMI controls for restarting the process, these no longer apply when
   managed as a WSGI application.

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -239,8 +239,6 @@
 class ApplicationManager(Folder, CacheManager):
     """System management
@@ -350,41 +348,6 @@
                 REQUEST['URL1'] + '/manage_workspace')
         return t
-    def revert_points(self):
-        return ()
-    def version_list(self):
-        # Return a list of currently installed products/versions
-        cfg = getConfiguration()
-        product_dir = os.path.join(cfg.softwarehome,'Products')
-        product_names = os.listdir(product_dir)
-        product_names.sort()
-        info = []
-        for product_name in product_names:
-            package_dir = os.path.join(product_dir, product_name)
-            if not os.path.isdir(package_dir):
-                continue
-            version_txt = None
-            for name in ('VERSION.TXT', 'VERSION.txt', 'version.txt'):
-                v = os.path.join(package_dir, name)
-                if os.path.exists(v):
-                    version_txt = v
-                    break
-            if version_txt is not None:
-                file = open(version_txt, 'r')
-                data = file.readline()
-                file.close()
-                info.append(data.strip())
-        return info
-    def getSOFTWARE_HOME(self):
-        cfg = getConfiguration()
-        return getattr(cfg, 'softwarehome', None)
-    def getZOPE_HOME(self):
-        cfg = getConfiguration()
-        return getattr(cfg, 'zopehome', None)
     def getINSTANCE_HOME(self):
         return getConfiguration().instancehome
@@ -406,23 +369,7 @@
                 l.append((str(type), 'Port: %s' % port))
         return l
-    def objectIds(self, spec=None):
-        """ this is a patch for pre-2.4 Zope installations. Such
-            installations don't have an entry for the WebDAV LockManager
-            introduced in 2.4.
-        """
-        meta_types = map(lambda x: x.get('meta_type', None), self._objects)
-        if not self.DavLocks.meta_type in meta_types:
-            lst = list(self._objects)
-            lst.append({'id': 'DavLocks', 
-                        'meta_type': self.DavLocks.meta_type})
-            self._objects = tuple(lst)
-        return Folder.objectIds(self, spec)
 class AltDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager, CacheManager):
     """ Database management DBTab-style

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/Extensions.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/Extensions.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/Extensions.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 """Standard routines for handling extensions.
-Extensions currently include external methods and pluggable brains.
+Extensions currently include external methods.
 import imp
 import os
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
         raise ValueError('The file name, %s, should be a simple file name'
                             % name)
-    result = None
     if checkProduct:
         dot = name.find('.')
         if dot > 0:
@@ -113,11 +112,6 @@
     locations = [cfg.instancehome]
-    softwarehome = getattr(cfg, 'softwarehome', None)
-    if softwarehome is not None:
-        zopehome = os.path.dirname(softwarehome)
-        locations.append(zopehome)
     for home in locations:
         found = _getPath(home, prefix, name, suffixes)
         if found is not None:
@@ -202,23 +196,3 @@
     except KeyError:
         raise NotFound("The specified object, '%s', was not found "
                        "in module, '%s'." % (name, module))
-class NoBrains:
-    pass
-def getBrain(module, class_name, reload=0, modules=None):
-    """ Check/load a class from an extension.
-    """
-    if not module and not class_name:
-        return NoBrains
-    if modules is None:
-        c=getObject(module, class_name, reload)
-    else:
-        c=getObject(module, class_name, reload, modules=modules)
-    if getattr(c, '__bases__', None) is None:
-        raise ValueError('%s, is not a class' % class_name)
-    return c

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/FindHomes.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/FindHomes.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/FindHomes.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -19,22 +19,6 @@
 import Products
-    home = os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME']
-except KeyError:
-    pass
-    home = os.path.realpath(home)
-    __builtin__.SOFTWARE_HOME = SOFTWARE_HOME = home
-    zhome = os.environ['ZOPE_HOME']
-except KeyError:
-    pass
-    zhome = os.path.realpath(zhome)
-    __builtin__.ZOPE_HOME = ZOPE_HOME = zhome
     chome = os.environ['INSTANCE_HOME']
 except KeyError:
     import Zope2

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/ImageFile.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/ImageFile.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/ImageFile.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     def __init__(self, path, _prefix=None):
         if _prefix is None:
-            _prefix=getattr(getConfiguration(), 'softwarehome', None) or PREFIX
+            _prefix = PREFIX
             if not os.path.isabs(path):
                 warnings.warn(NON_PREFIX_WARNING, UserWarning, 2)
         elif type(_prefix) is not type(''):

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/config.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/config.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/config.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -52,16 +52,6 @@
     os.environ["INSTANCE_HOME"] = cfg.instancehome
     Globals.INSTANCE_HOME = cfg.instancehome
-    if hasattr(cfg, 'softwarehome') and cfg.softwarehome is not None:
-        __builtin__.SOFTWARE_HOME = FindHomes.SOFTWARE_HOME = cfg.softwarehome
-        os.environ["SOFTWARE_HOME"] = cfg.softwarehome
-        Globals.SOFTWARE_HOME = cfg.softwarehome
-    if hasattr(cfg, 'zopehome') and cfg.zopehome is not None:
-        __builtin__.ZOPE_HOME = FindHomes.ZOPE_HOME = cfg.zopehome
-        os.environ["ZOPE_HOME"] = cfg.zopehome
-        Globals.ZOPE_HOME = cfg.zopehome
     Globals.DevelopmentMode = cfg.debug_mode
 class DefaultConfiguration:
@@ -72,10 +62,6 @@
         from App import FindHomes
         self.clienthome = FindHomes.CLIENT_HOME
         self.instancehome = FindHomes.INSTANCE_HOME
-        if hasattr(FindHomes, 'SOFTWARE_HOME'):
-            self.softwarehome = FindHomes.SOFTWARE_HOME
-        if hasattr(FindHomes, 'ZOPE_HOME'):
-            self.zopehome = FindHomes.ZOPE_HOME
         self.dbtab = None
         self.debug_mode = True
         self.enable_product_installation = False

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/special_dtml.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/special_dtml.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/special_dtml.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     def __init__(self, name, _prefix=None, **kw):
         if _prefix is None:
-            _prefix = getattr(getConfiguration(), 'softwarehome', PREFIX)
+            _prefix = PREFIX
         elif type(_prefix) is not type(''):
             _prefix = Common.package_home(_prefix)
         args=(self, os.path.join(_prefix, name + '.dtml'))

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_ApplicationManager.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -414,50 +414,6 @@
         am = self._makeOne()
         self.assertEqual(am.thread_get_ident(), thread.get_ident())
-    def test_revert_points(self):
-        am = self._makeOne()
-        self.assertEqual(list(am.revert_points()), [])
-    def test_version_list(self):
-        # XXX this method is too stupid to live:  returning a bare list
-        #     of versions without even tying them to the products?
-        #     and what about products living outside SOFTWARE_HOME?
-        #     Nobody calls it, either
-        import os
-        am = self._makeOne()
-        config = self._makeConfig()
-        swdir = config.softwarehome = self._makeTempdir()
-        foodir = os.path.join(swdir, 'Products', 'foo')
-        self._makeFile(foodir, 'VERSION.TXT', '1.2')
-        bardir = os.path.join(swdir, 'Products', 'bar')
-        self._makeFile(bardir, 'VERSION.txt', '3.4')
-        bazdir = os.path.join(swdir, 'Products', 'baz')
-        self._makeFile(bazdir, 'version.txt', '5.6')
-        versions = am.version_list()
-        self.assertEqual(versions, ['3.4', '5.6', '1.2'])
-    def test_getSOFTWARE_HOME_missing(self):
-        am = self._makeOne()
-        config = self._makeConfig()
-        self.assertEqual(am.getSOFTWARE_HOME(), None)
-    def test_getSOFTWARE_HOME_present(self):
-        am = self._makeOne()
-        config = self._makeConfig()
-        swdir = config.softwarehome = self._makeTempdir()
-        self.assertEqual(am.getSOFTWARE_HOME(), swdir)
-    def test_getZOPE_HOME_missing(self):
-        am = self._makeOne()
-        config = self._makeConfig()
-        self.assertEqual(am.getZOPE_HOME(), None)
-    def test_getZOPE_HOME_present(self):
-        am = self._makeOne()
-        config = self._makeConfig()
-        zopedir = config.zopehome = self._makeTempdir()
-        self.assertEqual(am.getZOPE_HOME(), zopedir)
     def test_getINSTANCE_HOME(self):
         am = self._makeOne()
         config = self._makeConfig()

Deleted: Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_Extensions.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_Extensions.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_Extensions.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-""" Unit tests for App.Extensions module
-import unittest
-class FuncCodeTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def _getTargetClass(self):
-        from App.Extensions import FuncCode
-        return FuncCode
-    def _makeOne(self, f, im=0):
-        return self._getTargetClass()(f, im)
-    def test_ctor_not_method_no_args(self):
-        def f():
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f)
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_varnames, ())
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_argcount, 0)
-    def test_ctor_not_method_w_args(self):
-        def f(a, b):
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f)
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_varnames, ('a', 'b'))
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_argcount, 2)
-    def test_ctor_w_method_no_args(self):
-        def f(self):
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f, im=1)
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_varnames, ())
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_argcount, 0)
-    def test_ctor_w_method_w_args(self):
-        def f(self, a, b):
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f, im=1)
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_varnames, ('a', 'b'))
-        self.assertEqual(fc.co_argcount, 2)
-    def test___cmp___None(self):
-        def f(self):
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f, im=1)
-        self.assertTrue(cmp(fc, None) > 0)
-    def test___cmp___non_FuncCode(self):
-        def f(self):
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f, im=1)
-        self.assertTrue(cmp(fc, object()) > 0)
-    def test___cmp___w_FuncCode_same_args(self):
-        def f(self, a, b):
-            pass
-        def g(self, a, b):
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f, im=1)
-        fc2 = self._makeOne(g, im=1)
-        self.assertTrue(cmp(fc, fc2) == 0)
-    def test___cmp___w_FuncCode_different_args(self):
-        def f(self):
-            pass
-        def g(self, a, b):
-            pass
-        fc = self._makeOne(f, im=1)
-        fc2 = self._makeOne(g, im=1)
-        self.assertTrue(cmp(fc, fc2) < 0)
-class _TempdirBase:
-    _old_Products___path__ = None
-    _tmpdirs = ()
-    _old_sys_path = None
-    _added_path = None
-    def tearDown(self):
-        import shutil
-        if self._old_Products___path__ is not None:
-            import Products
-            Products.__path__ = self._old_Products___path__
-        for tmpdir in self._tmpdirs:
-            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-        if self._old_sys_path is not None:
-            import sys
-            sys.path[:] = self._old_sys_path
-            for k, v in sys.modules.items():
-                if getattr(v, '__file__', '').startswith(self._added_path):
-                    del sys.modules[k]
-    def _makeTempdir(self):
-        import tempfile
-        tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self._tmpdirs += (tmp,)
-        return tmp
-    def _makePathDir(self):
-        import sys
-        dir = self._makeTempdir()
-        self._old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
-        sys.path.insert(0, dir)
-        self._added_path = dir
-        return dir
-    def _makeTempExtension(self, name='foo', extname='Extensions', dir=None):
-        import os
-        if dir is None:
-            dir = self._makeTempdir()
-        if name is None:
-            extdir = os.path.join(dir, extname)
-        else:
-            extdir = os.path.join(dir, name, extname)
-        os.makedirs(extdir)
-        return extdir
-    def _makeTempProduct(self, name='foo', extname='Extensions'):
-        import Products
-        self._old_Products___path__ = Products.__path__[:]
-        root = self._makeTempdir()
-        pdir = self._makeTempExtension(name=name, extname=extname, dir=root)
-        Products.__path__ = (root,)
-        return pdir
-    def _makeFile(self, dir, name, text='#extension'):
-        import os
-        fqn = os.path.join(dir, name)
-        f = open(fqn, 'w')
-        f.write(text)
-        f.flush()
-        f.close()
-        return fqn
-class Test_getPath(_TempdirBase, unittest.TestCase):
-    def _callFUT(self, prefix, name, checkProduct=1, suffixes=('',), cfg=None):
-        from App.Extensions import getPath
-        return getPath(prefix, name, checkProduct, suffixes, cfg)
-    def _makeConfig(self, **kw):
-        class DummyConfig:
-            def __init__(self, **kw):
-                self.__dict__.update(kw)
-        return DummyConfig(**kw)
-    def test_name_as_path_raises(self):
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._callFUT, 'Extensions', 'foo/bar')
-    def test_found_in_product(self):
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        swdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(instancehome=instdir,
-                               softwarehome=swdir,
-                              )
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        ext = self._makeFile(extdir, 'extension.py')
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'foo.extension',
-                             suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, ext)
-    def test_not_found_in_product(self):
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        swdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(instancehome=instdir,
-                               softwarehome=swdir,
-                              )
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        ext = self._makeFile(extdir, 'extension.py')
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'foo.other',
-                             suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, None)
-    def test_wo_checkProduct_skips_product(self):
-        import Products
-        self._old_Products___path__ = Products.__path__
-        del Products.__path__ # so any iteration will raise
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        instext = self._makeTempExtension(name=None, dir=instdir)
-        instfqn = self._makeFile(instext, 'extension.py')
-        swdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        swext = self._makeTempExtension(name=None, dir=swdir)
-        swfqn = self._makeFile(swext, 'extension.py')
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(instancehome=instdir,
-                               softwarehome=swdir,
-                              )
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'extension', checkProduct=0,
-                             suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, instfqn)
-    def test_w_cfg_extensions(self):
-        cfgdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        cfgfqn = self._makeFile(cfgdir, 'extension.py')
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        instext = self._makeTempExtension(name=None, dir=instdir)
-        instfqn = self._makeFile(instext, 'extension.py')
-        swdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        swext = self._makeTempExtension(name=None, dir=swdir)
-        swfqn = self._makeFile(swext, 'extension.py')
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(extensions=cfgdir,
-                               instancehome=instdir,
-                               softwarehome=swdir,
-                              )
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'extension', checkProduct=0,
-                             suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, cfgfqn)
-    def test_not_found_in_instancehome(self):
-        import os
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        zopedir = self._makeTempdir()
-        swdir = os.path.join(zopedir, 'src')
-        os.mkdir(swdir)
-        zopeext = self._makeTempExtension(name=None, dir=zopedir)
-        zopefqn = self._makeFile(zopeext, 'extension.py')
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(instancehome=instdir,
-                               softwarehome=swdir,
-                              )
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'extension',
-                             suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, zopefqn)
-    def test_no_swhome(self):
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(instancehome=instdir,
-                              )
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'extension',
-                             suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, None)
-    def test_search_via_import_one_dot(self):
-        import os
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(instancehome=instdir,
-                              )
-        pathdir = self._makePathDir()
-        pkgdir = os.path.join(pathdir, 'somepkg')
-        os.mkdir(pkgdir)
-        self._makeFile(pkgdir, '__init__.py', '#package')
-        pkgext = self._makeTempExtension(name=None, dir=pkgdir)
-        pkgfqn = self._makeFile(pkgext, 'extension.py')
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'somepkg.extension',
-                                suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, pkgfqn)
-    def test_search_via_import_multiple_dots(self):
-        import os
-        instdir = self._makeTempdir()
-        cfg = self._makeConfig(instancehome=instdir,
-                              )
-        pathdir = self._makePathDir()
-        pkgdir = os.path.join(pathdir, 'somepkg')
-        os.mkdir(pkgdir)
-        self._makeFile(pkgdir, '__init__.py', '#package')
-        subpkgdir = os.path.join(pkgdir, 'subpkg')
-        os.mkdir(subpkgdir)
-        self._makeFile(subpkgdir, '__init__.py', '#subpackage')
-        subpkgext = self._makeTempExtension(name=None, dir=subpkgdir)
-        subpkgfqn = self._makeFile(subpkgext, 'extension.py')
-        path = self._callFUT('Extensions', 'somepkg.subpkg.extension',
-                                suffixes=('py',), cfg=cfg)
-        self.assertEqual(path, subpkgfqn)
-Index: lib/python/App/Extensions.py
---- lib/python/App/Extensions.py	(revision 28473)
-+++ lib/python/App/Extensions.py	(working copy)
-@@ -87,8 +87,14 @@
-                 r = _getPath(product_dir, os.path.join(p, prefix), n, suffixes)
-                 if r is not None: return r
-     import App.config
-     cfg = App.config.getConfiguration()
-+    if (prefix=="Extensions") and (cfg.extensions is not None):
-+        r=_getPath(cfg.extensions, '', name, suffixes)
-+        if r is not None: return r
-     sw=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(cfg.softwarehome))
-     for home in (cfg.instancehome, sw):
-         r=_getPath(home, prefix, name, suffixes)
-class Test_getObject(_TempdirBase, unittest.TestCase):
-    def _callFUT(self, module, name, reload=0, modules=None):
-        from App.Extensions import getObject
-        if modules is not None:
-            return getObject(module, name, reload, modules)
-        return getObject(module, name, reload)
-    def test_cache_miss(self):
-        from zExceptions import NotFound
-        MODULES = {'somemodule': {}}
-        self.assertRaises(NotFound,
-                          self._callFUT, 'somemodule', 'name', modules=MODULES)
-    def test_cache_hit(self):
-        obj = object()
-        MODULES = {'somemodule': {'name': obj}}
-        found = self._callFUT('somemodule', 'name', modules=MODULES)
-        self.assertTrue(found is obj)
-    def test_no_such_module(self):
-        from zExceptions import NotFound
-        MODULES = {}
-        self.assertRaises(NotFound, self._callFUT,
-                          'nonesuch', 'name', modules=MODULES)
-        self.assertFalse('nonesuch' in MODULES)
-    def test_not_found_in_module(self):
-        from zExceptions import NotFound
-        MODULES = {}
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        ext = self._makeFile(extdir, 'extension.py')
-        self.assertRaises(NotFound, self._callFUT,
-                          'foo.extension', 'name', modules=MODULES)
-        self.assertTrue('foo.extension' in MODULES)
-        self.assertFalse('named' in MODULES['foo.extension'])
-    def test_found_in_module(self):
-        MODULES = {}
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        ext = self._makeFile(extdir, 'extension.py', EXTENSION_PY)
-        found = self._callFUT('foo.extension', 'named', modules=MODULES)
-        self.assertEqual(found, 'NAMED')
-        self.assertTrue('foo.extension' in MODULES)
-        self.assertEqual(MODULES['foo.extension']['named'], 'NAMED')
-    def test_found_in_module_pyc(self):
-        from compileall import compile_dir
-        import os
-        MODULES = {}
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        ext = self._makeFile(extdir, 'extension.py', EXTENSION_PY)
-        compile_dir(extdir, quiet=1)
-        os.remove(ext)
-        found = self._callFUT('foo.extension', 'named', modules=MODULES)
-        self.assertEqual(found, 'NAMED')
-        self.assertTrue('foo.extension' in MODULES)
-        self.assertEqual(MODULES['foo.extension']['named'], 'NAMED')
-    def test_found_in_module_after_cache_miss(self):
-        cached = {}
-        MODULES = {'foo.extension': cached}
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        ext = self._makeFile(extdir, 'extension.py', EXTENSION_PY)
-        found = self._callFUT('foo.extension', 'named', modules=MODULES)
-        self.assertEqual(found, 'NAMED')
-        self.assertEqual(cached['named'], 'NAMED')
-    def test_found_in_module_after_cache_hit_but_reload(self):
-        cached = {'named': 'BEFORE'}
-        MODULES = {'foo.extension': cached}
-        extdir = self._makeTempProduct()
-        ext = self._makeFile(extdir, 'extension.py', EXTENSION_PY)
-        found = self._callFUT('foo.extension', 'named', reload=1,
-                              modules=MODULES)
-        self.assertEqual(found, 'NAMED')
-        self.assertEqual(cached['named'], 'NAMED')
-class Test_getBrain(_TempdirBase, unittest.TestCase):
-    def _callFUT(self, module, name, reload=0, modules=None):
-        from App.Extensions import getBrain
-        if modules is not None:
-            return getBrain(module, name, reload, modules)
-        return getBrain(module, name, reload)
-    def test_no_module_no_class_yields_NoBrains(self):
-        from App.Extensions import NoBrains
-        self.assertTrue(self._callFUT('', '') is NoBrains)
-    def test_missing_name(self):
-        from App.Extensions import NoBrains
-        from zExceptions import NotFound
-        self.assertTrue(self._callFUT('', '') is NoBrains)
-        MODULES = {'somemodule': {}}
-        self.assertRaises(NotFound,
-                          self._callFUT, 'somemodule', 'name', modules=MODULES)
-    def test_not_a_class(self):
-        from App.Extensions import NoBrains
-        self.assertTrue(self._callFUT('', '') is NoBrains)
-        MODULES = {'somemodule': {'name': object()}}
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError,
-                          self._callFUT, 'somemodule', 'name', modules=MODULES)
-    def test_found_class(self):
-        from App.Extensions import NoBrains
-        self.assertTrue(self._callFUT('', '') is NoBrains)
-        MODULES = {'somemodule': {'name': self.__class__}}
-        self.assertEqual(self._callFUT('somemodule', 'name', modules=MODULES),
-                         self.__class__)
-named = 'NAMED'
-def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        unittest.makeSuite(FuncCodeTests),
-        unittest.makeSuite(Test_getPath),
-        unittest.makeSuite(Test_getObject),
-        unittest.makeSuite(Test_getBrain),
-    ))

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_setConfiguration.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_setConfiguration.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/App/tests/test_setConfiguration.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -26,15 +26,11 @@
         # Save away everything as we need to restore it later on
         self.clienthome = self.getconfig('clienthome')
         self.instancehome = self.getconfig('instancehome') 
-        self.softwarehome = self.getconfig('softwarehome')
-        self.zopehome = self.getconfig('zopehome')
         self.debug_mode = self.getconfig('debug_mode')
     def tearDown(self):
-                       softwarehome=self.softwarehome,
-                       zopehome=self.zopehome,
     def getconfig(self, key):
@@ -71,28 +67,6 @@
         self.assertEqual(__builtin__.INSTANCE_HOME, 'foo')
         self.assertEqual(Globals.INSTANCE_HOME, 'foo')
-    def testSoftwareHomeLegacySources(self):
-        import os
-        import App.FindHomes
-        import Globals  # for data
-        import __builtin__
-        self.setconfig(softwarehome='foo')
-        self.assertEqual(os.environ.get('SOFTWARE_HOME'), 'foo')
-        self.assertEqual(App.FindHomes.SOFTWARE_HOME, 'foo')
-        self.assertEqual(__builtin__.SOFTWARE_HOME, 'foo')
-        self.assertEqual(Globals.SOFTWARE_HOME, 'foo')
-    def testZopeHomeLegacySources(self):
-        import os
-        import App.FindHomes
-        import Globals  # for data
-        import __builtin__
-        self.setconfig(zopehome='foo')
-        self.assertEqual(os.environ.get('ZOPE_HOME'), 'foo')
-        self.assertEqual(App.FindHomes.ZOPE_HOME, 'foo')
-        self.assertEqual(__builtin__.ZOPE_HOME, 'foo')
-        self.assertEqual(Globals.ZOPE_HOME, 'foo')
     def testDebugModeLegacySources(self):
         import Globals  # for data

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/OFS/ObjectManager.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -639,9 +639,6 @@
     def _getImportPaths(self):
         cfg = getConfiguration()
         paths = []
-        zopehome = getattr(cfg, 'zopehome', None)
-        if zopehome is not None and cfg.zopehome is not None:
-            paths.append(zopehome)
         if not cfg.instancehome in paths:
         if not cfg.clienthome in paths:

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/ENVIRONMENT.txt
--- Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/ENVIRONMENT.txt	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/ENVIRONMENT.txt	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
 ZTC makes the following assumptions about its environment:
 a) The 'ZopeTestCase' package is installed in the Zope "trunk" inside the
-   'Testing' module, which means: SOFTWARE_HOME/Testing/ZopeTestCase.
+   'Testing' module.
-b) A 'Products' directory exists inside SOFTWARE_HOME and INSTANCE_HOME.
+b) none
-c) The tests (the 'tests' subdirectories) are located either below a 
-   SOFTWARE_HOME or INSTANCE_HOME, typically in Products/MyCoolProduct/tests.
+c) none
 d) The somewhat weak assumption is that ZTC can walk up the directory tree from
    'tests', and find a 'Products' directory. This is how INSTANCE_HOME 
@@ -23,9 +22,8 @@
     2) INSTANCE_HOME/custom_zodb.py must be used to set up a ZODB.
-ZTC attempts to resolve this by detecting an INSTANCE_HOME for 1) but leaving
-the actual environment variable untouched so 2) works by still pointing into 
+ZTC attempts to resolve this by detecting an INSTANCE_HOME but leaving
+the actual environment variable untouched
 As soon as I allow you to set INSTANCE_HOME yourself, I lose the ability to 
 distinguish whether you mean 1) or 2) or both. 

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/TIMELINES.txt
--- Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/TIMELINES.txt	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Testing/ZopeTestCase/doc/TIMELINES.txt	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
     1. includes file framework.py
         1.1 locates and imports the Testing package by means of
-            - SOFTWARE_HOME environment variable
             - auto-detection
         1.2 locates and includes file ztc_common.py

Modified: Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/datatypes.py
--- Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/datatypes.py	2011-07-03 15:00:45 UTC (rev 122083)
+++ Zope/trunk/src/Zope2/Startup/datatypes.py	2011-07-03 15:19:22 UTC (rev 122084)
@@ -115,16 +115,11 @@
         return self.data
 # Datatype for the root configuration object
-# (adds the softwarehome and zopehome fields; default values for some
-#  computed paths, configures the dbtab)
+# (default values for some computed paths, configures the dbtab)
 def root_config(section):
     from ZConfig import ConfigurationError
     from ZConfig.matcher import SectionValue
-    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    swhome = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here))
-    section.softwarehome = swhome
-    section.zopehome = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(swhome))
     if section.environment is None:
         section.environment = zdaemonEnvironDict()
     if section.cgi_environment is None:

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