[Zope-CMF] DCWorkflow variables -- setting then using as guards

Florent Guillaume fg@nuxeo.com
9 Nov 2001 14:23:57 GMT

Workflow variables are actually "computed" variables which exist during
the whole life of the object in the workflow.

Why not instead have an attribute in your object, say "assigneduser"
(initially None, set by the managerial user) and some guard scripts that
check that assigneduser is the current user before allowing a transition?

	-- Florent

Matt Behrens  <matt.behrens@kohler.com> wrote:
> Hi all, did some mailing list trawling but came up a little empty-handed 
> here.  I hope this is not obvious. :-)
> My workflow object (ZClass-based, PortalObject) needs to somehow be 
> "assigned" at some point to a particular user (by a managerial user), 
> and that assigned user needs to be able to execute certain transitions.
> I thought perhaps workflow variables were good for this, but I can't 
> determine a way to set them to a user-specified value as supplied in a 
> web form.  This is just an intranet app so I'm perfectly happy with a 
> method that isn't entirely secure provided I can hide that insecurity 
> behind "this is what you're supposed to do" forms.
> -- 
> Matt Behrens <matt.behrens@kohler.com>
> System Analyst, Baker Furniture

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo SARL (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 10  http://nuxeo.com  mailto:fg@nuxeo.com