[Zope-CMF] How to add other content boxes to portal homepage

Mark Langkau mark.langkau@pbmplus.com
Sun, 02 Sep 2001 23:26:14 -0500


How do I add content above or below the News box on the right side of
the cmf homepage? I'd like to add boxes containing quick links or
other content on the right side, similar to Squishdot in appearance.

Actually, I'd eventually like to add news/action like boxes to either
side while keeping other content in the middle as it is done now. I'm
not looking to implement a weblog like Blark/Swishdot 'here', but more
a "my.yahoo / portal" effect on the main home page.

Is this covered in a how-to doc somewhere? Or can someone point me
to a thread in the mailing list?  (CMF is great stuff!!)
