[Zope-CMF] Re: Zope.org feedback

Erik Enge erik@thingamy.net
06 Sep 2001 07:53:17 +0200

[I'm putting the zope-cmf list on CC, maybe they can help too]

[Phil Surette]

| For some reason, my CMF discussion threads do not appear with the
| content that they are replies to. For instance, if I reply to a news
| item, you do not see my reply when the news item is displayed. The
| only way to see the reply is to do a search. If you reply to a
| reply, this becomes trheaded; it is only the connection to the
| original item that is broken.

Have you modified the skin for displaying the comments?
| I'm a Zope/CMF newbie, any insight would be appreciated! Let me know
| which seetings you'd need to know if you're willing to help out.

I've never experienced your problem before, but maybe others have...