[Zope-CMF] I18n

Gitte Wange gitte@mmmanager.org
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 14:44:03 +0200

On Wednesday 26 September 2001 14:14, you wrote:
> > the harder problem is to indirect the display text through something
> > like the 'gettext' mechanism.  We plan to be addressing this problem
> > as part of a consulting gig which should start Real Soon Now (TM).
> Hi Tres!
> Please try ZBabel first before you write your own stuff. It still needs
> some work (e.g. there is no syntax for using it from ZPT yet), but it is
> really cool!
> Joachim

How hard is it to use ZBabel together with CMF and translate the actions etc. 
into danish for example ???

I haven't yet tried ZBabel but am looking for a way to translate the actions 
inside the portal and not in the filesystem ..

Gitte Wange