[Zope-CMF] Relating different objects to each other

george donnelly list@zettai.net
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 16:48:34 -0400

the basic way that i do this is create a link to items that are of the same
Type and have the same Subject, eg:


a link to this catlog search would be found on an object of type photo that
has the subject Medellin.

its primitive but works fine for my needs in this case.

george donnelly - http://zettai.net/ - "We Love Newbies" :)
Zope Hosting - Dynamic Website Design - Search Engine Promotion

> From: "Phil Glaser" <StillSmallVoice@DirectvInternet.com>
> I am building a site where my client would like to have a "related items"
> feature. The idea would be that, for example, when you display a news item,
> you would also display a list of other items, from the same or different
> object type, that are related to it. So for the news item, the related item
> list might include a document, an event, a link, etc., that are thematically
> associated with that object.
> Is there a way to do this out of the box with CMF?