[Zope-CMF] Plone-CMF (Was: Dublin Core Metadata)

Erik Lange erik@mmmanager.org
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 07:39:52 +0200

Please Alan,

What a  load of bullshit you're letting out.. honestly :-(

"Plone is a 'realization' of the CMF." - what's wrong with CMF ?

It might have been buggy when you started on Plone , but today it's quite 

I don't see any reason for another CMF-core product, and belive the 
community is wasting a lot of time by developing in two different directions.

"Any CMF product should work just fine w/ Plone."

Are  we now talking Zope-CMF or Plone-CMF ?

Why dosn't Plone work with any CMF-product ? Why does it have to be the 
other way around ? Where's the framework in that approach ?

A standard CMF product fits in the standard framework - Plone doesn't, but 
is inventing it's own framework rather than using the standards set by 
others. The result may be the same in the end, but with double work. And 
presently only CMF works in a consistent way, while Plone is changing it's 
mind every week or so.

I feel you own it to this community, to tell that what you're actually 
doing with Plone, is that you're forking the CMF to make it into your own 
commercial product... when was it you said you're closing the code ? At 1.0 
final ? Or have you changed strategy on this one too ?


At 02:54 AM 9/28/02, alan runyan wrote:
> > > > + <meta tal:repeat="keyval here/listMetaTags"
> > > > +       tal:attributes="name python:keyval[0];
> > > > +                       content python:keyval[1];
> > > > +                      "
> > > > + />
> > >
> > >
> > >I tried it out and it worked, but now in my current plone-site I
> > >fail to make it work.
> > >
> > >I inserted this code into main_template. I get no errors but also no
> > >metatags.
>you would want to look at the header.pt and see what slots you can
>fill with this.  I put it in the collector.  We dont have this in plone but
>will make it into the final.  should be trivial to change.
> > >I am using Zope 2.5.1 and Plone beta 1.
> > >
> > >Think I am missing something.
> >
> > I think you may have too much ;-)
> >
> > ... like, Plone ?
> >
> > Plone is _not_ a standard CMF-produkt. It's more like an alternative
> > CMF-produkt.
>what does it mean to be 'standard CMF product'?  Any CMF product should
>work just fine w/ Plone.
> > They have changed just about everything, and have re-implemented _most_ of
> > it again... just my 2c.
>'re implemented' -- yes.  at the conference the party line I have totted is
>Plone is a 'realization' of the CMF.
>Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@zope.org
>See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests