[Zope-CMF] Trouble using workflow script to send email.

Nava, Christopher L. Contractor navachrl at JICPAC.PACOM.MIL
Mon Feb 9 20:13:31 EST 2004

I'm trying to get the "Notify Reviewers on Submission" recipe (http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/1017807508) working on my development zope server.
When I submit an item everything appears to work fine (no errors) however, the email is never sent/delivered.
Anyone know why?

The script is running (changing it to throw an error results in the error being thrown.)
I believe that there are users with the correct role to receive the email.
I'm using the latest CVS of DCworkflow and MailHost (as of last week.)

Also, Anyone have some debugging tips for a newbie python programmer?

-- Chris Nava

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