[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] CHANGES.txt policy

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Thu Nov 11 11:02:50 EST 2004

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
>>> While CMF-1_4-branch was the maintenance branch, there was this note 
>>> on HEAD: "CMF 1.4x: see CHANGES.txt of CMF-1_4-branch" AFAICT that 
>>> worked quite well.
>>> I propose to add a note like that to HEAD: "CMF 1.5x: for a complete 
>>> list see CHANGES.txt of CMF-1_5-branch"
>>> But if someone wants to merge the whole CHANGES.txt from 
>>> CMF-1_5-branch into HEAD and keep an eye on syncing both from time to 
>>> time I'm fine with that.
>> +1 for just leaving a note in the HEAD version.
> +1
> OK, who is doing the honors of changing the current HEAD CHANGES.txt?


Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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