[Zope-CMF] Reusable ZPT widgets in the CMF?

Dean Stringer deans at waikato.ac.nz
Mon Mar 21 20:30:45 EST 2005

Hi again,

Further to my post last week[1] I'm part of a team building a Zope
environment which will provide ZPT based customised CMF sites for
clients and standalone ZPT based apps and content (i.e. not in
the CMF). Both are coming along nicely but we're finding we
develop some widgets twice (e.g. navigation, and personalisation
stuff) both as ZPT standalone and CMF friendly ZPT for use
within the CMF.

Rather than engineering two versions of these common components, what
strategy should we use to reduce development and maintenance of them?
e.g. Should we make as much of the scripting Python calls with
simple ZPT wrappers in both the CMF and standalone ZPT sites? Should
we create some sort of product that is aware of where or how its
invoked (e.g. in the CMF or outside)

Any published case-studies or docs you might refer me to, I've
had a search around, and had a look at the ZopeBook etc but
havent found anything overly specific.

[1] http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-cmf/2005-March/021992.html

Dean Stringer
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