[Zope-CMF] Re: How do deal with cmfcatalog-wrapped objects?

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Fri Apr 7 01:38:46 EDT 2006

Both solution appear a bit "heavy" to me. I solved this issue for 
TextIndexNG3 by adding generic support for wrapped objects by introducing an
IObjectWrapper interface which is checked by the indexer. Using 
five:implements it is easy to attach this interface - if necessary - to any
wrapper class (including IndexableObjectWrapper at CMFCore). Writing an adapter
for adapting IndexableObjectWrapper to IObjectWrapper is trivial. I think 
this solution is more straight forward and does not require any changes
to the CMF.


--On 31. März 2006 14:11:58 +0200 Philipp von Weitershausen 
<philipp at weitershausen.de> wrote:
> 1. I think for the long term, IndexableObjectWrapper could be made a
> decorator. This works as follows:
>   from zope.proxy import getProxiedObject
>   from zope.app.decorator import Decorator
>   class IndexableObjectWrapper(Decorator):
>       def allowedRolesAndUsers(self):
>           ob = getProxiedObject(self)
>           allowed = {}
>           for r in rolesForPermissionOn(View, ob):
>               allowed[r] = 1
>           localroles = _mergedLocalRoles(ob)
>           for user, roles in localroles.items():
>               for role in roles:
>                   if allowed.has_key(role):
>                       allowed['user:' + user] = 1
>           if allowed.has_key('Owner'):
>               del allowed['Owner']
>           return list(allowed.keys())
> 2. In the short term we can apply the following trick
> (IndexableObjectWrapper needs to be a new style class!):
>   from zope.interface import providedBy
>   from zope.interface.declarations import ObjectSpecificationDescriptor
>   from zope.interface.declarations import getObjectSpecification
>   from zope.interface.declarations import ObjectSpecification
>   class IndexableObjectSpecification(ObjectSpecificationDescriptor):
>       def __get__(self, inst, cls=None):
>           if inst is None:
>               return getObjectSpecification(cls)
>           else:
>             provided = providedBy(inst.__ob)
>             cls = type(inst)
>             return ObjectSpecification(provided, cls)
>   class IndexableObjectWrapper(object):   # new-style!
>       implements(...)  # it can implement as much as it wants
>       __providedBy__ = IndexableObjectSpecification()
>       ...

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