[Zope-CMF] Re: [CMF 2.1] FSPageTemplate & Unicode

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Sun Jan 7 17:33:00 EST 2007

Hash: SHA1

On 7 Jan 2007, at 23:09, Martin Aspeli wrote:
> I fully agree with this (going ahead with the work), it's just a  
> question of whether we want to fill people's error logs with  
> warnings or not. Perhaps we could start off at a lower error level  
> for a version or two?

A warning is a warning is a warning, there's no lower level, and  
people won't see anything if it isn't in their faces. The usage of  
something like a debug error message is unprecedented,  
counterintuitive and will not compel anyone to fix their product. We  
finally have a _workable_ deprecation policy with accepted ways to  
signal deprecation and accepted deprecation periods, I'm against  
creating special precedents for no other reason other than to give  
anyone, be it Plone users or third party coders or anyone else, a  
_false_ sense of security.

> Changing every use of getToolByName() in every product out there  
> (especially Plone's third party products, of which there are  
> hundreds) is an enormous (and fairly daunting) task. If every  
> request gets four or five of those messages, it will be counter- 
> productive, swamping the logs.

The task isn't rocket science, it's just dull work. I know that  
because I've spent a long time doing it on that branch. Besides, a  
deprecation warning will only show up once for every specific call if  
I remember correctly.

Keep in mind that the only tools which will cause the  
DeprecationWarning to show are those defined in the CMF package. No  
third-party "portal_foobar" tool would cause it.

> Similarly, if we did remove it too soon, the breakage would be  
> enormous. Probably so much so that Plone would need to monkey patch  
> it back.
> I completely agree that the "new way" is better. I just think we  
> need to be pragmatic about how strongly we warn that there is a new  
> way, and how quickly we remove the old way.

If you consider the relatively glacial speed of CMF releases you'll  
see there's nothing "quick" when the normal policy of removal two  
releases down the line is applied. The earliest time getToolByName  
could possible go away would be 2.3, and I strongly doubt it will  
happen then. We will warn people that it *might* happen, though.

I do appreciate your desire to be conservative, but it's a bit hard  
to understand when I hear so many voices from the upper echelon of  
Plone developers wanting to completely revamp (for very good reasons)  
large parts of it.


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