[Zope-CMF] Improvements to Discussion Items

Charlie Clark charlie at begeistert.org
Tue Mar 24 17:29:07 EDT 2009

Am 22.03.2009 um 10:45 schrieb Martin Aspeli:

>  1) Fire an IObjectAddedEvent when a Discussion Item is created
>  2) Fire an IObjectRemovedEvent when a Discussion Item deleted
>  3) Do not hardcode the review_state of a Discuss Item. This allows
> discussion items to participate in workflow.
>  4) Create discussion items based on an IFactory utility rather than
> hardcoding the class.
> I've implemented 1-3, along with a simple review workflow and indexers
> that index the number of comments and the people who've commented on a
> content item (to make it easier to find items the current user has
> commented on, and to show the number of comments an item has  
> received in
> a content listing), in a new Plone product, collective.discussionplus.
> There's a file of simple monkey patches to CMFDefault here:
> http://dev.plone.org/collective/browser/collective.discussionplus/trunk/collective/discussionplus/patches.py
> Would it be useful to push this down into CMF itself? I can't  
> promise I
> have time to do that (with tests) in the short term, but I'm happy to
> help anyone who wants to do it. I may find time later, of course.

Hiya Martin,

thanks very much for this. Seems to make a lot of sense to me. I'll  
put it on to my to-do list when I've actually done the two things on  
there already.

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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