Michael Heydasch mheydasch at vicintl.com
Thu Apr 22 11:51:59 EDT 2004

I have extracted the .tar file on a Windows Server 2003 Standard,
copied the ZODBCDA folder to the Products folder in the Zope
hierarchy, and restarted the Zope service, but can no longer
connect to the servername:8080/manage address (error msg: "the
connection was refused").

When I delete the ZODBCDA folder from the Products folder and
restart the Zope service, I *can* connect to the
servername:8080/manage URI.

I have Googled on this error but have not found any results that
would help me troubleshoot this problem.  I will continue to
search, meanwhile, has the ZODBC database adapter been tested
with Win Server 2003?

Michael Heydasch
VIC International

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